Monday, May 17, 2010

Ten out of ten for style...

...minus twenty for the Rule Three violation.

Still, he seems to hit all the right notes. If I lived in Alabama (and knew nothing of the candidates other than their TeeWee commercials,) I'd vote for him.

I'd like to see a television commercial here in Indiana where a state-level candidate even got close enough to a gun to make a Rule Three violation.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Weee! Sweet home Alabama, I reckon. I would like to see some such ad here, even if they violate the 3rd rule.

  2. I swear the name rings a bell. I wonder if he was 1/5 during our late excursion in south east asia.

    I caught his ad on FoxNews and was about to send it to you when you beat me to it by several seconds. Serves me right, trying to one up the boss lady. Consider me humbled.

    Beck had a cutey.

    Good for a chuckle.

  3. It seems like as good a campaign ad as any, cough cough. I wonder what fraction of his target audience picked up on his violation there.


  4. Give me 3 more years Tam, and I will.

  5. Off subject but this S&W failure gave me the heebie jeebies

  6. Indiana's minimum IQ level requirement would prohibit a guy like that from touching a gun. Why this is not enforced at Eagle Creek I cannot explain.

    Keep your finger off the trigger, Forrest. Oh, and get a sling, numbnuts, so you don't yeehaw that piece around all of Alabama (Jenny).

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. Why in the name of John Moses Browning would anybody have a sling on saddle carbine?

  8. Well, "safety is as safety does."

    "Rule zero" has always been to render any weapon you do not intend to fire inoperable before you handle it. Either by emptying it, hammer down on an empty cylinder, lowering the hammer, or by other means.

    So take a good hard look at the hammer on the lever gun. It appears to be down to to these 77 year old eyes. And I never saw a double action lever action.


  9. True.

    It's still bad trigger finger discipline.

    (But, to be fair, strict trigger finger discipline is a relatively modern invention.)

  10. "Why in the name of John Moses Browning would anybody have a sling on saddle carbine?"

    So Forrest does not wave it all about Greenbow, Alabama like Forrest is doing in the commerical. He could point it at Jenny.

    Shootin' Buddy

  11. A sling is not required to point a weapon at the ground.

  12. Pffft, you are your position Cul.

    If you sling it, you have both hands to speechify. Commissioner Leghorn could grab the lapels of his white suit with both hands.

    "I say, I say my opponent in the upcomin' harbors some hateful grudge again' them Soggy Bottom Boys."

    Shootin' Buddy

    wv: "volks", I say, I say, I have this here carbine for the volks (wolves)

  13. He had a sling because he's a former Marine. All Marines have slings. Without a sling your rifle is naked.

  14. "Pffft, you are your position Cul."

    We point our guns at the ground because God doesn't like guns pointed at him, either.

  15. He's pretty fired up about the SEC AG job. He'd be speaking in tongues and carring a M60 if he was running for the US Senate.


  16. "and carrying a M60"

    I'm not from Alabama, but if he did, I'd move there and work on his campaign. :D

  17. I think the closest we've had was Hostettler in the airport with a Beretta in his attache case ... it's too bad he's not going back to DC as a senator...

  18. Hammer down, probably nothing in the tube. His digit went there naturally. Oops, but still no harm no foul. I like wht he had to say. I wish we had folks with those kind of stone ou here in Oregon.

  19. In his defense, I did notice that towards the end, he had all four fingers in the lever loop. I agree that strict trigger finger discipline is a fairly modern phenomenon and many older shooters are the worst violators.

    I also have to agree with Tam: "Why in the name of Jon Moses Browning would anybody have a sling on a saddle carbine?" It would only get in the way of running the gun in and out of the saddle scabbard. Tired of holding it? Then let the damn horse carry it, that's part of his job.


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