Monday, May 31, 2010

The times, they are a changin'...

Once upon a time, it seemed like 99.9% of spam email consisted of shady mortgage re-fi stuff, Viagra, and Nigerian 419 scams.

Now it seems to consist of fake luxury watch spam, Viagra, and Nigerian 419 scams.

Conclusion: 99% of everybody dumb enough to fall for the bogus re-fi stuff has already been foreclosed on and now they want a shiny fake watch to wear so they can look professional at interviews for a retail gig, which they'll need to keep the Viagra money coming in until their wire transfer gets here from Nigeria.


  1. I'm amused by the juxtaposition of the Viagra and penis enlargement spam. If it won't work, why would I want to make it bigger? Wouldn't that just make it a bigger disapointment? Maybe a really nice looking watch would take my mind off things.

  2. Probably due to my nom de blog, I got my email addy circulated amongst a collection of Central American spammers. (Vendedors del Espama?)

    I rarely see 419s or fake Rolex emails anymore, but I get 10-20 daily wanting me to buy real estate in Guatemala or pollo asado franchises in Honduras.

  3. oh so true. and don't forget about all the cars available for such low prices and 0% financing for an eternity.

  4. Much more home remodeling stuff here - new kitchen counter tops, cabinets, bathroom fixtures and so on. Just got in one - "Have you been effected by the oil spill" - with a gibberish link. Or the Russian language spam, which I can't read at all.

  5. Spam that does reach my mailbox is added to a filter that already catches 96.4% of all mail traffic sent to me.

    I periodically go in and pull friends back onto my pass list when I notice nothing coming from them for several weeks.

    Now if I can just get rid of all the legitimate mail traffic I actually signed up for that I don't have the time to read...



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