Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The weather was backwards.

I have done the drive between Indy and K-town at least twenty times and yesterday was maybe only the fourth time that I had no need to make use of the windshield wipers for any part of the journey. I'm thinking of hiring myself out during droughts.

Whoever designed the interchange between I-64 West and I-65 North in Louisville should be horsewhipped through the public square. Vigorously.

Speaking of Kentucky, they had a "Revenue Enhancement Zone" stretching from just north of the Tennessee border seemingly halfway to Corbin. Not a worker in sight, just the occasional forlorn-looking orange barrel and 55-mph signs everywhere, along with the ominous "Double Fine" warnings.

Dear Slob in the Toyota Tundra: How you got your truck all beat up and that much trash blowing around in the bed in only three years I'll never know, but when I'm forced to trail behind you in the left lane at 69MPH for miles on end, wondering when your nasty collection of styrofoam takeout trays and McDonald's bags was going to wind up on my hood, and I finally pass and hit "resume", it takes a lot of gall to start tailgating me at 80, that's all I'm saying.

It was 80 at high noon in West Knox when I left; when I arrived home at 5:30, the thermometer in the Bimmer was reading as high as 91 humid, sticky degrees Fahrenheit in some places here in Indy. Somebody needs to inform Gaia that it's supposed to be cooler up here than down there.


  1. Some people just can't stand to be passed on the road.

  2. These members of the Anti-Destination League cheese me off to no end.

  3. "it takes a lot of gall to start tailgating me at 80"

    I have theorized that the sight of the Exploder's oversized ass is apparently a roadmap to the accelerator on other cars, and having discovered it they are then anxious to use it.

  4. My favorite is the guy who puts his brights on after you go around him because he's at 10 below the prevailing speed.

  5. New term. Drought whore.

    I wonder how long it takes until someone gets here searching that term in Google?

  6. Every time I go to LA it rains. I thought it was supposed to be sunny california? ( I don't stay any longer than I have to ).

  7. WRT "Revenue Enhancement Zones", at least it was posted 55. I mind one on the PA Turnpike last November that ran east of Breezewood for 50 miles at 45MPH with nary a construction worker in site...probably because the project was, gee, finished...

  8. how the slob in the toyota got it all beat up etc. you'll never know....

    ...But I bet you have a sneaking suspicion.

  9. From those of us who live in Louisville, we are wholly sorry for the cluster that is Spaghetti Junction. The gubment is currently wrangling amongst themselves on how to waste billions of dollars and decades of time to straighten all of that out. Please try again sometime in the 2030's and see if it's any better.

  10. The roads through Louisville are no picnic, but Knoxville and Atlanta have their own challenges as well. Just try driving through those places in an eighteen-wheeler while surrounded by drivers like the guy in the Toyota Tundra. Small sports cars like yours are small enough to sometimes be hard to see, but at least the drivers are usually aware of their surroundings, and drive decisively enough that you don't have to wonder what they are going to do next.

  11. Per tailgating slob in Tundra. This is when I like to hit the brakes and slow down to 69 mph an hour and not let slob pass.

    Yes...I am a bit of a jerk on the interstate, but that's already been determined.


  12. VDOT is apparently reaching the end of their 10-year plan to make you decide by fredericksburg whether you want to get on 395, the Inner Loop, or the Outer Loop by the time you get to Springfield.

    Wonder by how much that will improve traffic flow; lord knows I make considerable effort to avoid that region now. Which is nothing new really.

    WV: floute - what I do to speed limits

  13. Re: the clown in the Tundra who thought the left lane is the Wanking Lane...

    I saw a really bad specimen of left-lane idiot recently. Guy in a pickup truck who had been obstructing the left lane for miles gets an AMBULANCE on his back bumper in a reduced-to-40 zone. An ambulance that is advertising. Lights, siren, then laying on the horn to boot.

    Clueless Left Lane Squatter keeps on motoring sedately for quite some time (20 seconds? more?) before jerking upright and looking in his rear view mirror. So instead of speeding up and getting out of the way, he naturally jams on the brakes, forcing the ambulance to jam its brakes as well, and then he slowly drifts into the right lane like he's driving a Rolls and doesn't want to spill the Queen's tea. I saw all this from the right lane (having seen the ambulance coming for the prior half-mile) and all I could do was shake my head.

    Here in eastern NC it is so bad, I'd wager that the right lane is the fast lane at least 50% of the time. Grrrr.


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