Monday, June 07, 2010

...are experiencing technical difficulties. Please...

Oh, hi!

Sorry 'bout that. Blogger went kinda toes-up there for a bit.

I was resigned to actually taking a day off from blogging. Now I have to think something up. In the meantime, (and in lieu of any actual content): Look! A squirrel catapult!


  1. I don't know what happens, but every 6 months or so, Blogger looks like it dumps core.

    It was a little (ahem) exciting the first time. I even remember posting a bleg once, asking how people backed up their blogs. Most said "What is this 'backup' of which you speak, oh stranger?"


    I like a hosted service, as I'm far too lazy to run my own show. But he who lives by the Cloud dies by the Cloud, I guess. Amazon's EC2 service is way cool, but you still have to do all your patches, and like I said, I'm lazy.

  2. Borepatch,

    "I like a hosted service, as I'm far too lazy to run my own show."


    This is the first rly srs outage I can remember offhand.

    Given the fact that I have zero maintenance to worry about, having to go play outside for a day every year or two is a small price to pay in my book. ;)

  3. I posted a wee bit about this on the cat blog... good to see you're still here though :)

  4. Huh? Jeeze, I missed it again.

  5. I wondered what a flying squirrel looked like!

  6. That's funny. Thanks. I needed a laugh

  7. Can you use this on a chrome plated baby wolf?

  8. So, was that a surfeit of squirrels, or was it just one slow learner?

  9. This is so old, and so funny.

    The same ones do keep coming back over and over. Trick is to leave it out and NOT launch them, so they get used to it.

    Watch this one- about midway, there's someone who has set up a clay bird launcher...

  10. I wonder what it would take to adapt the launcher to handle census takers.



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