Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chicago politics writ large.

These yahoos wouldn't know "Openness and Accountability" if you bludgeoned them with it.

Seriously, is there anybody associated with the current administration who isn't a crook?


  1. "That's the Chicago way!"

    I 'spose when you reach a certain income level it IS possible to "forget" $37,000.

  3. Well, depending on administration, there has more or less honesty in government.

    The amount has been declining more or less steadily since the Nixon Administration put a ten buck limit on proffered bribes. Hoping the Cabinet would think themselves worth more than that and decline them. But Dick was fooled.

    Now, anything goes. Just like Chi.


  4. But Tam, BHO is open and honest! Why, he told us that when He was speaking at SEIU. Remember the video where he bragged about being with SEIU and SEIU was with him? Now we find the proof in this aide's salary. What's the matter, you didn't believe Obammy when he said he was going to "Fundamentally transform America"? I read his Agenda before it mysteriously disappeared (must have been hacked by Bush!) and I believed every word in it. I also believe every word in the following works: the Communist Manifesto, Lenin's "What is to be done?",Mein Kampf, all of the speeches from Suckmydi....ajad of Iran, etc. When an egotistical, narcissistic, dictator wannabe tells you what he/she plans on doing, pay attention! It's called "Know Thy Enemy", and updates can be found on the New People's Radio.

  5. Well, no... but to my knowledge, Biden's only crimes so far are booze related.

    Hey, he's not a hard criminal, he's just into hard liquor.

  6. Just in case you really wanted to know - NO!

    but very glad you asked...

  7. I have this account, see? it has openness. I opened this account on account of I have the ability. And then I stuck $37 large into it. See? Openness and account-ability. What's ya problem?

    Ever notice the more annoyed Daley gets, the more uncomfortable, the more squeaky his voice gets, the more he sounds like Mickey mouse?

  8. These yahoos wouldn't know "Openness and Accountability" if you bludgeoned them with it.

    On behalf of all gun owners everywhere:

    Prove it! 8)

  9. Um, the Obama family dog? But I could be making an unwarrented assumption.



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