Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I don't get it..

News Flash: Academics are still really really really obsessed about race.
Issues of race and immigration are an important part of the public dialogue.

In today's highly charged political environment, it is easy to latch onto information that buttresses our own point of view and preconceptions.

Actually, Dan, I don't think about it at all. You, however, seem pretty uptight about the topic. Maybe you should go talk to your fellow profs over in the psych department and ask them what that signifies.


  1. Um, because race is a stalking horse for socialism.

    It's not like the Left care one whit about any race, ethnic group or minority, it's just that they want to be the Inner Party arranging everyone's life. A man of the Left cares not what you do as long as it is compulsory.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. I don't get it. But then, I never have. I care about someone's race exactly as much as I care about their car color. Anyone I respect feels the same way. When are these ivory tower cogitors going to shut the hell up and let us learn to hate people based on who they are, and not their skin color?

    Wv: Skinte.


    Interesting, the whole article and all its statistical data collections are based on one assumption-

    "Interracial (whatever that is) marriage is an IMPORTANT AND GOOD THING."

    Sounds like it's time for some Affirmative Action!

  4. That's pretty close, SB...

    Ersatz racism *is* socialism.

    Only by telling the "oppressed" what they want and need and are being deprived of can you guarantee that they will put you in a position to give it to them.


  5. I can't stand these people who use race as a standard to judge everyone... I judge people by their ability and IQ... I am partial to smart people... But mostly if I were going to focus my time "judging" anyone it would be politicians.... How I hate them, let me count the ways.

  6. "Why am I going to hate someone based solely on the color of their skin when if I get to know them I can find 1,000 other reasons to think they're an asshole?"
    - George Carlin

  7. It's because it's their job security. What university would need all of those ethnic/racial/gender studies departments if no one cared?? Dan Aykroyd said it best in Ghostbusters:

    "Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've *worked* in the private sector. They expect *results*."

  8. "Interracial (whatever that is) marriage is an IMPORTANT AND GOOD THING."

    Clearly, then, we need a new law that makes it mandatory. Maybe a new government bureau is called for here.

  9. I always find it delightful how these folks make a big production out of saying that race doesn't matter.

    Moreover, can we please stop pretending that it doesn't matter? Just be proud of what you are and don't hate others for what they are. To me that makes more sense than nervously attempting to be 'colorblind'.

  10. ya..... We should have a Ministry of Love.

    "Clearly, then, we need a new law that makes it mandatory. Maybe a new government bureau is called for here"


  11. shut the hell up and let us learn to hate people based on who they are, and not their skin color?

    Ahh, but who they are can too easily be construed with their culture, and remember that now we have to celebrate cultural diversity. Even if that culture has bad tendencies, because pointing out a particular culture's bad traits is racism and hate speech. Except of course when pointing out the faults of western euro-centric culture.

  12. Midwest Chick said: "What university would need all of those ethnic/racial/gender studies departments if no one cared??"

    It's interesting watching people with degrees in those subjects try to find jobs. Particularly when they have large loans that paid for their "education".

  13. "Being proud of one's "race" is precisely as stupid as being proud of one's hair color or handedness"

    Come to think of is rather nice being right-handed.

  14. But are you proud of that difficult achievement? ;)

  15. Actually, Race is extremely important to our society. Why, I don't know what I'd do if there wasn't an INDY 500, or Nascar, or NHRA, or...oh," you all be talkin' 'bout Racism!" Well, some of us old fogies might remember the Saturday Night Live routine from the 1st. season where Chevy Chase said " The U.N voted today to equate Zionism with Racism. When asked to comment, Sammy Davis, Jr. said "Finally I can now hate myself!" Also dig out the sketch between Chase and Richard Pryor. Wonder why what was said on TV in 1975 could get me sued if I said the same thing in 2010?


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