Friday, June 11, 2010

I felt a great disturbance in the internets... though millions of dating advice sites cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced:
(Side note: if you have to complain like that about the opposite sex, it’s generally because you’re only capable of attracting lame members of that sex. So remember that when you bitch about how all women are ditzy golddiggers or all men are uncaring slobs. They aren’t. The good ones just don’t want you.)

(H/T to TJICistan.)


  1. Amen to that! I was new to the innerwebs dating scene some years ago, and found out people lie! I was a noob, so I was shocked. Fortunately, the woman I eventually found was honest, we remain friends, and she now owns more firearms than I do! (and good for her!)

  2. and if that was her only 'flaw,' and she could put up with my crotchetiness, I'd consider myself the luckiest man on the planet.

  3. As soon as I hear men want/women want, I generally tune out.

  4. The trick is accepting that the good ones don't want you.

    That took me quite a while.

  5. It's also worth reflecting on what, in your efforts to attracting the opposite sex, you're actually trying to attract.

    One of the things that has always struck me both about "The Rules" for women and "game" for men who fancy themselves pickup artists is that they both absolutely guarantee winding up with someone whose values and personality are as shallow, stupid, and manipulative as the systems themselves are.

    Easy to come to the conclusion that all members of the opposite sex are stupid and hateful when your methods to attract one explicitly exclude everyone who isn't.

  6. "Easy to come to the conclusion that all members of the opposite sex are stupid and hateful when your methods to attract one explicitly exclude everyone who isn't."

    Yep, if you put out bullshit, you're going to attract flies.

  7. Another possibility is that you simply don't know what constitutes a "good one". I've personally seen more evidence of that in my online-dating acquaintances. One gal refuses to date men who wear tennis shoes with blue jeans. (Same gal just dismissed men who are too attractive, because it must mean there's something wrong with them.) Idiotic standards are idiotic, no matter the form they take.

  8. Idiotic standards are idiotic, no matter the form they take.

    You can that again. Everyone has little quirks... flow with it. The irony is that the same women who dismiss a guy for (insert triviality here) with put up with tremendous amounts of crap from guys who meet their "standards."

  9. I am the gold standard for disagreeable men. And yet I have been married twice, and the second time it stuck- hard. There's a lid for every pot.

  10. Yeah. Bitches!

    Hey, I'm not complaining... I love women. It's just that I wished that they came with a Technical Manual or something. Hell, a "Quick Start" guide would do.

  11. It's just that I wished that they came with a Technical Manual or something.

    Keep looking. The ones worth having don't need manuals. I'll never figure out why women insist on playing stupid games; then again, my ex-husband left me in no small part because I didn't.

  12. ... my ex-husband left me in no small part because I didn't.

    Yeah, I've seen that, too.

    I guess some people just have to be obtuse and cryptic.

  13. I was once told you only attract people as healthy as you are. I don't know if it's true, but it does help me be less upset about bad experiences.


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