Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I have been finked upon.

As Caleb noted this morning, I have entered the world of dead tree gun journalism. I am doing the back page column, "Ballistic Basics", for Concealed Carry Magazine. You should subscribe and stuff.

You may rest assured that this doesn't mean that I am going to start wearing Hawaiian shirts and pointing guns at myself or using terms like "acceptable combat accuracy" or "reliable after a break-in period" as a synonym for "wretched, pulsating ball of suck and fail".


  1. Sure, flowered shirts for pistols or shotguns, but when you write about rifles, to have any gun hack cred, don't you have to wear pointy elf boots and a big silly hat too?

    I'm thinking a brand new wardrobe. It'll will be fabulous!

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Glad you got the gig. No one better. I subscribe and have been lucky to have a little ditty in there a time or two. Small change compared to the caliber of people that grace the pages.


  3. Just remember, Tam - post this at eye level over your monitor. Never, never write, "nobody needs black pistols with big magazines. They're just terrorist pistols." Never. Never.

    Just trying to help.

  4. Oh, oh, can we suggest topics for your editor to assign?

    I have an awesome list of stuff.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Welcome to this elite club? How's the view from atop the Ivory Tower? Scoff at any new media types today?

    Congrats, you MSMer you!

  6. You are a NATURAL! I mean it and you will do well. (But I think I've said that before to you in person, haven't I?)

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  7. There is a gaping hole in the gun world occupied in other areas by the unpleasable critic who hates everything. You know, the game reviewer that video game companies fall all over themselves to get merely tepid hatred from.

    Just sayin'.

  8. How do plan on adding an extra 50 pounds to your frame? Your going to have to bulk up if you want to be one of the boys.


  9. Here in Texas we don't take kindly to snide comments about "pointy toed elfin boots and big hats."

    I think the standard for gun writers involves significant belt-buckle overhang, excessive untrimmed facial hair, a disreputable gimme cap and some form of woodland camo clothing which is from Cabela's rather than military issue.

    You're going to have a tough time fitting into that mold.

  10. So if I subscribe some of my money goes to you? Fair nuff.

  11. "Here in Texas we don't take kindly to snide comments about 'pointy toed elfin boots and big hats.'"

    Pffft, yes you do. You even laugh about it when I start in on the firing line.

    If you Texans didn't like elf boots, why was there an entire wing of the Texas State Museum devoted to elf boots when I was in Austin the last year of Thunder Ranch (2004 IIRC)?

    I don't care what that true life documentary "King of the Hill" says, Texans can take a joke.

    Dammit, Dale.

    Shootin' Buddy

  12. Long overdue. Congrats.

  13. Tam,

    Whilst reading the latest issue of one of the major gun mags, I saw a letter from a female reader lamenting their lack of female writers and I have to admit that I had to restrain myself from emailing your name to the editor for the job.

    Congrats on the gig and I shall now become a subscriber to CCM.

  14. So can we just go ahead and call you a writer, or are you still going make us wait until you have a check in your hand?



  15. Congratulations, Lady Tam! Long, long overdue!


  16. Proud owner of a shiny new Platinum membership. Congrats. Tom fom Lake McQueeney

  17. So what WILL be the code for "wretched, pulsating ball of suck and fail"?

    "Paul Helmke" is already taken.

    Montie- I DID call, you should too.

  18. Mine are kinda brass, but I am fairly sure I would not cast aspersions on the footwear and hats on the likes of the Texas Rangers, Sheriff Joe in Pheonix,or a fairly good number of 'silly hat' folks.
    SB, what do you wear? Button down? Silly.

  19. Congratulations Tam! So, since I assume you get paid, you are now officially a writer?

    Best advertisement I have read in a long time! Subscription coming forthwith!

  20. Great news and well-deserved. I don't know what the mag's readership is, but I can't imagine that it could be more appreciative than the crowd you get right here.

    But since it's an Official Gig, maybe you can resist the urge to tell your employers/customers to "WHOA, STOP!" when they (try to) pay for services rendered.

    New media? Old media? The format is irrelevant Tam; you ARE a writer and have been right along. Relax, let it flow, and enjoy it...I certainly do.

    And for cryin' out loud, don't be afraid to get paid!

  21. uh, sign that Al Terego, please.

  22. Be sure to gratuitously refer to people as "operators"

  23. Tam, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Col. Jeff Ayoospierbuck is the best gun writer of all time. Of all time!

    Also, congrats.

  24. Ancient Woodsman8:33 PM, June 08, 2010


    Here's hoping your first is a successful intro to a long career. I know you can do what no other dead tree gun writers seem to be able to for more than a sentence or two: finish an article without using the phrase "all in all" or "if I do my part." Seems no mag in recent memory - or even a few gun bloggers - can make a day without using one or both in a sentence every paragraph or so. Damn annoying now.

    It will be nice to see your work elsewhere than a monitor. Good luck & again, congratulations!

  25. Congrats Tam!

    Of course, this now means I have to stretch the ol' gun budget a little further, but...

    Didn't Marko have a thing or two published in that magazine as well?

  26. Yay Tam! Welcome to the world of the (almost) published. I'm in rewrites on a series I got sort of published, the first of which should be in stores before Christmas. Did I send you the prologue?

    Hey! You're a magazine writer now. You can do a review! I can get your blurb on the back cover :-)

    Seriously, what Frank James said. Every bit of it. We're all devoted fans, and pleased as punch to get such fun writing for free.

    But it's what you deserve. You go girl! We couldn't be prouder of you,or more pleased.

  27. What Timmeehh said.....

    Looks like another subscription for me....

    Al T.

    wv - pshasto - SM Stirling..

  28. John Peddie (Toronto)10:11 PM, June 08, 2010

    The gun rag world is about to be stood on its collective head.

    A (gasp!) literate and articulate gun writer?

    Who pulls no punches?

    And actually knows what she's talking about?

    To borrow a phrase of yours, "Unpossible".


  29. First, Congrats! Second, CCM had better use your name as a draw, it'll treble their subscribership!
    Third, don't feel the need to copy Skeeter Skelton, Chas. Askins, Col. Cooper or anyone else...you are you, and THAT'll be the attraction!

  30. Staghounds,

    By golly you're right. Consider it done.

  31. Jay G ~

    Yes, and he has more in the works too.

    Tam ~

    You know my thoughts on this, I hope. :D

  32. Congrats, Tam! That's awesome!

  33. Congrats Tam!

    I actually was wondering why you hadn't had something in one of the gun rags yet.

    You have the best natural voice of anyone I read currently.

    Rob (Trebor)

  34. Congratulations, Tamera!!

  35. "How do plan on adding an extra 50 pounds to your frame? Your(You're, as in, You are) going to have to bulk up if you want to be one of the boys."

    At six feet zero and what I'm not going to guess for weight, I'd say she has plenty of what you're thinking she needs. Besides all that gun nut stuff and all.

    Anyway, congrats Tam, and as Timmeh suggested, it's something long overdue.

  36. This should be fun to watch ....

  37. Congratulations! I suppose that I will need to join the USCCA to get the required periodical. Good luck.

  38. Is the subscription for life? per year?

  39. Don't ask me; I just work here. ;)

  40. Glad to hear it. Guess I'll join now. *(Especially since Brigid has reveled they they have run her stuff, too.)
    If you're not tied down by a contract, the Second Amendment Foundation's mag Women and Guns is also a good venue. Gila May Hayes publishes there, among others.

    Hmm, that's two, three w/Larry Correia (plus Caleb on Top Shot); now, if we can only get Bobbi to send her stuff to Baen, and LawDog to send his stuff to... anyone, the Gun Bloggers' takeover of the universe can proceed as planned... (Insert evil laugh here.)

  41. PS: And just what is wrong with Hawaiian shirts?

  42. Hawaiian shirts are a form of camo. See, they are so blinding, that you can't actually LOOK at someone wearing such a shirt.


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