Friday, June 04, 2010

Okay, sometimes this goes waayyy too far.

I understand that it takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters, and that there are about as many different ways to make whoopie as there are stars in the sky, but understand this: When someone yells "Rumplestiltskin! Rumplestiltskin!", then the midget in the clown suit needs to put down the bullwhip, because the scene is over.

I don't often venture into the "justice" subsection at, and every time I do, I'm reminded why.


  1. The world needs more of Rory Calhoun wearing a hog's head.

  2. "Nine years"??? They'll probably allow time served too...

  3. Well, there goes breakfast ...

  4. What a horrible safe word! Can you imagine how hard it must be to shout Rumplestiltskin twice while wearing a ball gag?

  5. Thank you for the Motel Hell reference!

  6. Contracting for sexual favors? Isn't that prostitution? And if he benefits financially, doesn't that make him a pimp? How is this different from a pimp "keeping his bitches in line" (aside from several added layers of 'ick' factor)?

    WV: nogris. I kid you not.

  7. I don't get how the lower court tossed out the entire conviction. Granted, there may have been an issue with the stuff that was done before the law that was used to prosecute passed, but what about the stuff that occurred after?

    And how was any of it not blatant sexual assault, etc., the minute she said "No" any friggin way?

    All it took was SCOTUS. *headdesk*

    Now I understand the part about not surfing that part of CNN.


  8. And, of course, Stevens was the dissenting voice.


  9. Tam,

    Apparently our "wise Latina" voted to set aside the conviction of this sick bastard at the Court of Appeals level....imagine that...

    Tom from Lake McQueeney

  10. Justice John Paul Stevens dissented, saying Marcus' "substantial rights" were undermined.

    Yet one more reason we'll be well rid of this senile bag of shit.


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