Thursday, June 10, 2010

Okay, that is funny...

What if Ayn Rand wrote a screenplay for Conan the Objectivist?

I LOL'ed and LOL'ed. :)


  1. How can you go on a quest and have adventures with hot princess chicks and not leave your apartment in Manhattan?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. You'll be sorry you made fun when they come marching out of their hidden valley, the Sign Of The Dollar flashing golden in the sun, putting their enemies to flight! Yeah, then you'll be all "I read the speech TWICE! To my children! Er, that is, my employees! Yeah!" But it will be too late for you then, infidels.

  3. I don't think it'll sell as well as Conan the Antidisestablishmentarian, though.

  4. Also known as "The Sword of Truth" series (which actually started out real well, but turned into suck at the end.)


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