Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The source of superpowers...

Peter Parker got bitten by a radioactive spider and gained the power to bench-press Buicks at will and climb walls, but only for a good cause.

Colin Goddard got shot by a mentally-defective nutcase and gained the power to commit federal and state felonies at will and leap to erroneous conclusions, but only for a good cause. Of course.


  1. So if I come to your house, buy your old bike, take it to New York state and sell it at my cousin's Yard sale, it's not a straw purchase. But if I come to your place and pay you cash for a little ...oh let us say Walther PP, take it back to my cousin's place, someone pays me $50 more that I paid you, that's considered a "Straw Purchase?" I always thought it was called Capitalism.

  2. Les,

    If you come to my house and buy a Walther PP, and you are not a resident of Indiana, the only way for you to legally take possession of that pistol is for me to ship it to an FFL in your home state; no matter how much of a good guy you are, and no matter how many pistols you already own.

    It's stupid and prevents nothing, but that's federal law as it stands.

    A straw purchase would be if you were an IN resident, and someone who couldn't legally buy my PP, say your cousin in NY, gave you the money to buy it from me. That would be a straw purchase, since you would not be the actual buyer of the firearm.

  3. Mr. Goddard reminds me of the folks who make a lot of noise about taking a stand, but switch into full-on "it's not fair" mode when the consequences inevitably roll around. In other words, a poser.

  4. "oh let us say Walther PP, take it back to my cousin's place, someone pays me $50 more that I paid you, that's considered a "Straw Purchase?" I always thought it was called Capitalism."

    I think we have all tried that route at the sentencing hearing.

    "Your honor, my client is simply a small businessman, striving to feed his family."

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. I've bought firearms for friends, and my wife as Gifts. All sales were 100% legal....but still because the idea of a "Straw buy" is so stupid I wonder if what I did was REALLY Ok.

    Well of course it was OK. The laws just suck.

  6. Weer'd,

    A gift is not a straw purchase: The first question on the 4473 is "Are you the actual buyer of the firearm?"

    If you are using your money to buy it for yourself, the answer is yes.

    If you are using your money to buy it for someone else, the answer is yes.

    If you are using someone else's money to buy it for yourself, the answer is yes.

    If you are using someone else's money to buy it for someone else, the answer is no, and it is a "straw purchase".

    HTH! :)

  7. I put it to you, in which state does Colin's friend, the transferee, reside?

    If Minnesota, then I move to dismiss as there is no offense at bar, your honor.

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. Was he the actual purchaser of the firearm? Or was Colin?

  9. Watch the video again, Tam.

    I think that it is Colin's buddy buying the pistol at 2:00-2:40ish.

    However, if Colin's buddy is from Virginia or Ohio, then we have to find an alternative defense.

    Shootin' Buddy

  10. What kind of power does a Congressman gain when he's bitten by a leech?

  11. This @$$hat can run around the country breaking the law and taping it and nothing will be done but you or I saw a shotgun off 1/4" too short and the government will kill our spouse and child, and burn our house down.

  12. Time for a little seriousness. Here in Ohio, we have several ways to purchase our firearms:

    A) Go to store, fill out form, run phone check, pay for it.
    B)Go to gun show, do above.
    C) Go to Gun Show, look for the tables that have a sign that says " Not a Dealer". Haggle, pay for it, walk out the door.
    D) Look in the paper, go to the seller's home, haggle, pay for it.
    E) Pull a Travis Bickel , and pull something shady in a motel room.

    I recommend only doing A-D. A+B gives you warranty service and the chance for factory repair. C+D is like buying a used car. And like anything I purchase and have clear title to, I can put up some tables in my driveway,put up my Yard Sale signs, lay out what I want to sell, and start haggling, including weapons.

    Actually, I've been carded more often at the shows for ammo purchases than the weapons themselves. Of course, there are those "Sanctuary Cities" like Cleveland that have their Brady rules, but now that McDonald came down, one has hope.

    I will say that you might have easier CCW in Indiana. In Ohio, on your application form you must list EVERY place you EVER lived since birth, and it gets worse as you go along.

    Hope this clarifies things in the Buckeye State, at least in my small piece of it.

    We now return to my usual sarcastic attitude, already in progress.

  13. "An America where everyone is safe".

    What a silly idea. I'd prefer an America where everyone is pretty. And rich. And intelligent. And obedient to my every whim.

    Regardless of the rights and wrongs, this is an effective advertising campaign. I can't believe it's taken them so many years to figure it out. This makes the antis allies of the professional gun trade, so they each double their lobbying power.

  14. Unfortunately, most (if not all) of the purchases did not violaste the law, as they were sales from private collections, not from FFL's stock.

    Collin, and his father, are tools (in both senses of the word) of the anti-gun crowd. At least his father is a bit more pure - can I use that phrase in this context?? - because he at least does not know anything about guns except his kid got hurt by one, and does not want to know anything else.

    They, and some others, once tried to start an ad campaign with a banner reading "We Got Our Guns In Virginia." They even put up a web address - but failed to register it. Go google up that phrase and see what happened to them.

    stay safe.

  15. Bubblehead Les,

    The rules for buying are the same here in IN.


    You may be right; all those years working for FFLs, I automatically run the sales process through that filter. For instance, it's a federal felony to give false info to an FFL during a sale, but you can lie to your heart's content to a private citizen, which is weird.

    Repealing GCA '68 would be a nice start, since all these byzantine regulations do precisely doodley-squat to prevent anything. I'll wish for a gold house and a rocket car, while I'm at it.

  16. Sorry - seems the fun part has dropped way down on Google search. Try instead and variation of www.wegotourgunsinvirginia.* (OMG I've got an Islamic asterisk there!!).

    stay safe.

    wv= tudge: what happens when a nudge gets stuck.

  17. "What kind of power does a Congressman gain when he's bitten by a leech?"

    None. He already sucks.

  18. "What kind of power does a Congressman gain when he's bitten by a leech?"

    The power to take your money and buy his vote. Oh wait, that's because he is a leech.


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