Wednesday, June 02, 2010

When camouflage fails... can always try the tactic of being made out of pure weapons-grade cute-onium.

On "Three". Ready? One... Two... Awwww!



  1. I would have to rate the weapons-grade cute-onium superior to UL® 3 and NIJ-IIIA rated composite material in this case!

  2. Heh. Been in a similar situation-- fawn was less than 10 feet from me and I never saw him until he decided to bolt. They are cute little buggers, though.

  3. I've never seen a fawn, but I saw a fawn's hoofprint by a creek once. It was about the size of my thumbnail. Really made me think, especially since I have seen grown deer, and fairly close up.

  4. I've had them walk into camp before, close enough I could reach out and touch them. I've also found them hiding like that out in the brush. Coyotes find them both cute and tasty.

  5. makes me wonder where mommy was watching from, b/c you know she wasn't too far away.... :)


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