Monday, June 14, 2010


Yesterday, Wikipedia drew my attention to the fact that June 13th of 1805 is when the Lewis and Clark expedition came across the Great Falls in Montana. It turns out that most of that part of Montana was, once upon a time, covered in big ol' lakes of meltwater from the last glaciation, being at the southwest corner of the Laurentide ice sheet as it was. This glaciation period is interesting to Hoosiers, because it was the big bulldozer that left this state nice and flat and fertile and covered with all of Canada's topsoil.


  1. it was the big bulldozer that left this state nice and flat and fertile and covered with all of Canada's topsoil.

    Haaaaaaaaaaa ha ha.

    /reflex. sorry.

  2. Good thing there were all those coal-fired power plants back in 10,000 B.C. to cause some global warming, and melt those glaciers.

  3. Uahh, it's always been my understanding there were seven (7) glaciers that flattened everything north of Route 40 and besides the top soil they also left a whole bunch of hard, round things that have a habit of worming their way into my combine occasionally in the fall.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  4. True. I should have said "most recent bulldozer". :o

  5. And Glacial Lake Missoula left some awesome topography here in Washington State after it would occasionally break out over the ice dam holding it back.

    300 feet off water moving across the state at 65 mph. No Joke, That.

    And the nice thing is that most of the hippies usually stay over on the wet side of the Cascades.

  6. And gave Indiana kettle lakes!

    Don't forget the kettle lakes.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. "and covered with all of Canada's topsoil. "

    And we want it back!!!

  8. What's the joke about the farmer in Maine?

    A tourist comes by and notices he's digging rocks out of his fields. He asks how they got there and the farmer says a glacier brought them.

    When he asks where the glacier went the farmer responds, "Well, I guess it went back for more rocks."

    WV: antiout - the new spray cleanser for removing hoplophobes


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