Monday, June 21, 2010

Won't somebody please think of the children?

Dick Heinie, one of the biggest names in custom pistolsmithing, closed his order books some time back. He has enough orders to keep him producing exquisite custom heaters from now 'til he's good and ready to quit, so if you want one of his guns, you're pretty much out of luck unless you're already on the list or can find someone willing to part with theirs.

However, there's another way: He's auctioning off a sweet custom 1911 with all the proceeds going to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Not only does the winner get a great pistol, but they can also rest assured knowing that they helped out a righteous cause.

Won't you please think of the children?


  1. Gee, if it were only on the MA Approved Firearms Roster...

  2. That would be a hell of an investment. Guns consistently accrue value, but a handmade piece by a well-known custom gunmaker who's not making any more should be like picking up a Stradivarius.

    Or, you could just carry and shoot it, and know that you've got the good stuff, with cool points.

  3. Ahhh, Auction, not Raffle. I'd have a better chance if I could just buy a $100 ticket.

  4. Sine pecunia, non potest. :(
    Ulises from CA


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