Thursday, July 08, 2010

-- . . - / - .... . / -. . .-- / -... --- ... ... / ... .- -- . / .- ... / - .... . / --- .-.. -.. / -... --- ... ...

Remember how people were all worried about the (laughably misnamed) P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, not to mention projects like Total Information Awareness? And remember how upset this stuff made, not only hippies and wookie-suiters, but even plenty of regular old conservatives?

And how Obama ran as the candidate for Change?

Meet "Perfect Citizen", citizen.

*sigh* Remember the good ol' days, when the NSA could only spy on foreigners?

Hope and Change, indeed.


  1. Geez, look at how full your comment section is this invasion of privacy outrage . . . oh, wait, no, it's not.

    Maybe they expect this from Democrats but not Republicans?

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. " boss same as the old boss..."
    Only more new and improved.

    My surprise is that it took this long after Big Sis declared everyone on the right was a terrorist.


  3. I remember that, but I also remember plenty of GOP laundry-wavers defending PATRIOT and phonetically reciting, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

    Making exceptions "just this once" (and yes, it started long before 1991, or even 1913) sure as hell turned out to be.

  4. On the bright side I'd imagine most everyone who visits here has visited plenty of other websites that have already put them on a list somewhere. What's one more list?

  5. Meh...already on those lists anyway.

    The camel's nose has been under the tent for a long time - it's just that now they've brought the HUMP(ing), too. Sadly, we don't even get a reach-around.

  6. Let's hope the systems runs on the latest version of Windows- that way when taxpayer money is wasted, at least the system will never work. Sigh. Don't any of these yahoos in government remember they're 'sposed to be for our benefit?
    WV: parde How to pronounce "party" when you have a stuffy nose from a night of partying. Gah. I need coffee.

  7. Myles,

    "What's one more list?"

    I'd actually be a little insulted if I wasn't on a list or three. I can get pretty seditious after a couple beers, you know.

  8. That's "Perfect Citizen" not "Project Citizen".

    Seriously, "Perfect Citizen"? The guy who came up with this lives in a volcano with a cadre of supermodel bodyguards and makes televised appearances stroking a fluffy white cat.

    I think you're not getting as many outraged comments as expected because our outrage meters have been so high for so long.

  9. EgregiousCharles,

    You beat me to it..."Perfect Citizen", don't you want to be Perfect like Dear Leader?

    WV - ixtest...ix just a test...would I lie - Barry

  10. >Seriously, "Perfect Citizen"? The guy who came up with this lives in a volcano with a cadre of supermodel bodyguards and makes televised appearances stroking a fluffy white cat.

    Ya, that seems to be the MO. Take a look at the TIA logo, a pyramid "all seeing eye" scanning the globe? Doesn't it look like it was specifically designed to wig out the flakey fringe? "Why they hide themselves in plain sight!"

    I think there's some guy in PsyOps inside the triple fence that they keep doped up on LSD and Jimson Weed and stocked up on conspiracy reading material, and then they sober him up when they need to design a logo or slogan.

  11. Either that, or their graphic design guy is actually on my side.

  12. Tried to leave a Morse message but my skills are too weak: Blogger removes the spaces. Wanted to say:


    Oh, well.

  13. I think learning Morse might be a good thing in the coming endarkenment.

    Just saying...

  14. Tam,

    Yeah, drinking the Sam Adams does that to me. Something about the little visage of ol' Samuel smiling and looking all jolly with his tankard makes me want to head to D.C. with a good length of rope and test the tensile strength of the oak tree limbs on Constitution Ave.

  15. Story about this in todays Wall Street Journal quotes an unnamed "U.S. military official":

    Any intrusion into privacy is no greater than what the public already endures from traffic cameras.

    Dear "U.S. military official": We'll be the judges of that.

  16. Echelon, Echelon, Echelon! Just wanted to make sure the bastards monitoring this blog are awake and doing their job. Hate it when Spies fall asleep at the wheel on the Gooberment dime and allow a "Man-Caused Incident" to occur. As to being on lists and databases, just off the top of my head, I know I'm on Birth Certificates, Student Loans, Home loans, IRS, D.O.D., V.A., local and state tax rolls, Voter Registration, Driver's License, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Census...sure I could add some more, and so could all of us. It comes down to the old Roman saying: "Who Watches the Watchman?"

  17. Comrade Les:

    In America, watchman watches himself!

  18. Sadly, in the US that watchman is not Sam Vimes.

    I sometimes think that if there was a consipracy running things, it must be the Discordians (Hail Eris! Hail Discordia!).

    WV: uggat- a really ugly gun. Eg, a tiger striped, titanium plated double Deagle

  19. "Meet the new boss..." Some of us do still practice the old code a little bit, even if we're a bit rusty. I find reading it is harder than hearing it though --... ...-- Lyle

  20. I sometimes think that if there was a consipracy running things, it must be the Discordians

    Not us!

  21. Fernando Poo does not exist.

    And if you knew what goes on there, you would never stop screaming.


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