Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Deja vu all over again.

Remember in the mid-'90s when Bill Clinton, with the willing cooperation of the media, successfully tied the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building to the rising tide of discontent with the .gov, hanging it like an albatross around the neck of the popular backlash that had triggered the "Republican Revolution" in Congress the previous November?

Get ready for your albatross, Tea Partiers:
No one likes paying taxes. But tonight the FBI is reporting a troubling uptick in violence by some anti-tax groups going to extreme measures to protest government.
The commercials for the local TeeWee station's Special Investigative Report showed, not fringe extremists, but stock footage of Ma and Pa Kettle waving their Tea Party signs on the statehouse lawn, which is practically the same as plotting to target "police officers and judges and Governors," after all.


  1. As others have already said; don't be surprised when the Reichstag catches fire. Demonization of one's enemies is classic move from the socialist playbook.
    As for those who get their "news" from the media ...

  2. Is the racism charge not sticking? Already moving on to a different smear?

    225 years ago we had some really violent tax dodgers. Seems that the response hasn't changed.

  3. Salon's got a piece up on that this morning, hyping the fear. (Hey, I read Salon for Glenn Greenwald, who sticks his pitchfork in the Obama National Security State just as much as he did in the Bush National Security State.)

  4. There is a part of me that wonders: if we're going to be accused of this anyway, why not actually do it? Eliminating some of the filth in DC might actually do some good. It's clear that all the peaceful protesting isn't...

  5. Got your Summer-weight Browncoats ready to put on yet?

  6. Browncoat? Check!
    Torches? Check!
    Tar? Check!
    Rope? Check!
    All we need now is a time and place.

  7. You forgot the feathers stretch.

  8. Stretch - DC, tomorrow.

  9. I wonder what F troop is gonna blow up this time around...

  10. Stretch, you forgot the rail.

    /"Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituency?"

  11. All things being relative who is going to believe their BS when the biggest story about the media is crashing down on their pointed little heads right now about how they shaped the news by suppressing news they didn't like and promoting one's they did.


    wv: substry - You write the tag.

  12. I wonder what F troop is gonna blow up this time around...

    Probably some posse-commitatus or untax group, like the herds of common-law, gold fringe = admiralty flag, 16th Amendment is not really ratified folks doing their far-right Ghost Dance.

    All those common-law writs ain't going to stop F-Troop bullets.

  13. Reading the comments on the WTHR site, I conclude their story didn't fly.

  14. As metalworkers will recognize, at some point, bending becomes fabrication.

  15. Dixie and Mike:
    Don't need feathers or rail.
    The tar is to coat the corpses when they're hung from lamp and sign posts so they will last longer.

  16. Ritchie: you win.

    Collect your cookie and beer.

  17. Did someone say "cookies and beer" for when we're feasting our eyes on their tarred corpes swinging in the wind? YES!!! Cookies and Beer!!!!

  18. Check the Google on the Southern Michigan Militia.

    It was A BEEG BUST, SENOR. Denial of bail and etc, due to the extreme danger, yadda-yadda, Feeb interior informer; all the stage props.."they wuz plannin' ta gonna kill them a cop or two, by crackey."

    However, at least one judge, in the tussle over who gets bail and who doesn't, ordered their release, as she said that after reading the entire catalog of evidence, she found nothing there to substantiate the charges.

    Holy Mary and Saints Above!!!! The Gov's and Feddies and Prosecutors and Media Minions nearly shat themselves getting the lynching back on track. Lady judge was over-ruled mos' fast, and...well...eventually another judge did, indeed, find a bunch of them to be no of risk to the community -- and let them out.

    "THE RINGLEADERS" are still in the pokey, despite the Feeb agent looking like a total scatter-brained fool in testimony, and the events appearing in fact, to be be no more than an interpretation of conversations, not well remembered.

    So, OK...this bunch is poverty ridden, trailer squatting, rural, uneducated and pretty much vocally disaffected people who wanted to feel some power and meaning in their bottom-dog existence. So they TALKED about HOW one would PLAN to kill a representative of the oppressive ruling class -- prolly a county mountie or smalltown cop who'd given them a citation or told to clean up the trash heap in which some of them apparently lived.

    As a supposition that this is not going too well for the prosecution, the whole deal is no longer trumpeted as "COP KILLIN TEA PARTY SYMPATHIZERS", but fades away report by report, as the gubbiment peeples seem to be requesting more and more time to close this 'open and shut' case.

    If one wants any eye-ball proof of the unintentional hilarity of the situation, then Google up the "many-time news-hour shown" video clips these clowns took of themselves practicing camo-clad, gun-totin' squad tactical moves. All it needs is background music by Lady GaGa warbling about bad, mean love from her bathtub, in order to provide that special DADA touch to this travesty of public power, funds,and common-sense justice.

    If THIS is the worst the Feeb's under the direction of the Das Dictators of Dade County can manage to present, then those so-called Militia Tea Party folks gotta be the most demonstrably inept bunch of harmless stooges recently trotted out on the public stage.

    However, I have faith in my Federal Government Law Enforcement officials, working in collusion with the criminal elements of Those Who Must Rule Everything. We'll have Terror and dead innocent bodies suitable to the timely launching of a National Witch Hunt for ARMED Domestic Terrorists -- just before the election.

    After all, it's a Moral Obligation to disarm all the civilians of the World in order to make the World safe for...Whom?

    Pixx on the lot'uv'em. I hope a starving,crazed mob overruns their gates and fences and armed agents and homes and eats the son-of-a-bitches alive. Today's New Motto: "Eat the Power Structure Raw, Eh?"

    Unh--Well...OK. I'm a pickier eater that THAT, but the old revolutionary hemp and lead solution presently hath it's allures. It is good for countries' leadership to keep in mind, that you can indeed lure some of the folks some of the time, into stupid and inflammatory actions. However, there-in runs the danger of having such actions prove to be wide-spread and popular. But, say...if you can rule Dade County with terror and corruption, why not try for a national level of misery to match y'r old stompin' grounds, whot?

    Well, there. I do feel better, but only until I remember who is President, what he supports, and who supports him. Good riddance, soonest.

  19. As I wrote over at Neptunus Lex's place a while back, this would have to happen at a time in my life when I am really too old to play Infantry!

  20. Justthisguy: Now, now, don't get all discouraged. There's always room for us ol'fat folkes to man the 1919 behind the logs, or feed the blackpowder cannon, or to break out the Winchester 70 w/the 3x9 and sit off a couple of hundred yards atop the hill and look for the Shiny Butterbars through the scope.....

  21. Bubblehead, thanks for the encouragement.

    As Jerry Pournelle says, "Despair is a Sin."

    He also says, "Weep for the Republic."

  22. Can ya fire a rifle?
    Have ya got some goodies, or a place the rebs to bed down?
    Can ya cook?
    Can ya fix stuff? Reload ammunition? Teach basic (or not-so-basic) skills?
    Hell, have you got some information to pass that might be useful?

    Welcome to the cause, old-timer. Come sit by me.

    (WV: bedat. Be dat guy.

  23. Les,
    minor update: is no shiny no more. Just black thread embroidered. And they carry an M4 to blend in with the troops. I'm a thinking younger eyes would help, or a bigger scope...

  24. Bubble, I have read your Blogger profile. We seem to have similar interests, at least as far as what we like to read. You should start a blog, that I might dispute with you in the comments.

    Iffn you don't wanna do that, go over to my blog and leave smart remarks and stupid comments. It's Liberty Hall there.

    (spit on the floor and call the cat a bastard)

  25. B. Smith, I am an Eagle Scout. I think I remember some of that stuff.

  26. Will,

    The LT is STILL the guy dressed like a PFC who NEVER gets more than 10 feet from the dude with the radio, and who has the older, more experienced troop always talking to him.

    The LT will generally have ALL the "correct" stuff, placed EXACTLY where it supposed to be placed by the book, but he WILL NOT be in a group of three or four privates being bossed around by a young experienced troop.

    Look for the behaviors, and the LT might as well have a blinking rescue strobe glued to his helmet.

  27. Then the local folks need to call them on it--literally. Call the station and complain, write the station and complain and most importantly, write and call the advertisers on that particular show and complain.

    A lie that is not challenged will become the truth.

  28. MikeW... tar burns just fine without feathers...
    Dixie... we can spit them on lamp posts or parking meters, no need for rails...
    Gmac... and just which sheeple are pulling their heads out their ass long enough to belive it?
    Justthisguy... we ain't too damn old to load magazines or cook, and if push comes to shove, how young do you gotta be to look thru a scope and pull the trigger again?
    Freeholder.. AMEN-start with the phones and then send them a lead message.
    God bless the Revolution!
    Shy III


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