Friday, July 16, 2010

Draw your own conclusions.

Jerry Miculek's open class heater appears to have had the internal lock disabled.

That's a big ol' vote of confidence, there.

The management in Massachusetts can un-lash themselves from the mast any ol' day now and admit that their lock is an aesthetic abomination and mechanically questionable, especially on heavy-recoiling guns. If you just gotta have an integral lock on your heater for legal reasons or whatever, there have to be a million better ways to do it. There's no need to ride this bomb to the ground, Slim Pickens.


  1. What I'd like to know is where could I send my 442 to have this done and how much would that run?

  2. Ditto for my "Miculek" Performance Center 625... and my TR Mod 22

  3. What irks me is that S&W has done limited runs without the lock - most notably, IMHO, the Heller Commemorative 442.

    It's obviously not a legal thing, if they're putting out limited runs sans lock.

    It's obviously not a tooling thing, if they're putting out limited runs sans lock.

    I haven't heard a single gun owner say "Boy, I really like that S&W lock" - more than likely, it's referred to as "the zit" (or worse).

    Why the hell is it still there?

    Smith & Wesson, don't make me come out there!

  4. Jay, I had hundreds of customers when informed that their gun had an internal lock say, "Cool! I really like that." Sorry, to say, but it's true. Most people don't know, don't care, or otherwise find it a nifty feature.

    I bought a 642 with IL, yanked the flag and springs and threw them away. I never worry about my gun locking up. It's not a safety device anyways, it's not like I was going to carry it with the lock activated in my pocket.


  5. Loctite "stud and bearing mount" AKA "red Loctite" does a good job of immobilizing unwanted locks. Available wherever car or bike parts are seriously sold.

    Disassemble, carefully degrease JUST the shaft and bore, one drop of red on the shaft, reassemble with the lock off - because if you assemble it with the lock on, you WILL have a problem. The excess should be on the inside. Ignore it.

    Wallah! One gun that is not going to hand you a fatal surprise when you are already surprised enough.

    Or - you COULD carry a pre-lock life preserver.


  6. Or you could just not buy a new S&W. Which is my plan until they get rid of the damn lock.

  7. +1 on not buying a new S&W.

  8. Every instance of inadvertent engagement I've read had to do with magnum level super lightweight models- the 340, 329, etc.

    Still, I agree that they need a different lock design if they insist on keeping one on there. There's little doubt that it is costing them sales. It's foolish to leave money on the table like that.

  9. Plenty of pre-wart S&Ws out there, which is what my purchase plan has been since my newest S&W revolver, a non-wart 696.

    WV = "mindes" - What was going through S&W's collective mindes when they thought of that?

  10. I like the way Taurus did their lock, on the hammer.

    Easily replaced and it doesn't cause any unwanted holes.

  11. @Jay G: What irks me is that S&W has done limited runs without the lock - most notably, IMHO, the Heller Commemorative 442.
    If this is true, to whom do I complain about my Heller Commemorative 442 having the zit?

  12. No, can't buy S&W not after clinton and locks. A new image is despiratly needed. Didn't a former CEO state S&W did not need the general gun owner? Nerly went under over that as I recall. I believe that is still the opinion fo the company. Why else the crappy locks.

  13. Hell, at least Slim Pickens had enough common sense to die before S&W birthed this abomination upon the world.

  14. Eight days ago, my local fun store had a no lock Smif 642-1 under the glass. Bought it immediately. I thought I had a NIB pre-lock. But the date on the fired cartridge envelope is dated 4-29-2010. The s/n is CNVXXXX on one line. Below that, the Mod is stamped 642-1.

    Supica's (3rd) s/n lists helps me not, except to know the s/n was not stamped on the frame before 642-1 production was discontinued in 2002. The box end label tape is marked 11786.

    Interestingly, the contents of the box includes two zit lock keys.

    I woulda paid the asking price had it been a used 642-1.

  15. The limited runs of 642's and 442's sans IL do not include the Heller Commemorative 442 to my knowledge. I have seen a few "Hellers" on shelves locally and all had the IL. The few 642 and 442 no lock revolvers I have seen locally were just standard guns with no special markings. Some were priced the same as guns with locks but a few dealers had them marked up a slight amount. when I questioned one of the dealers who had them marked up, he said it was because they were a "limited release". I said "So now we have to pay extra to NOT have a feature?" He didn't know how to answer that.

  16. There's a flood of contradictory rumors around the net about the no lock 642/442s. When they first came out, everyone said they were old frames sitting around that they built up to get them off the books. I've since also heard that they were overruns of a special order and a bunch of other stuff.

    All I know is I got mine. I have 3 smiths, the no lock 442, a 66-1 (way pre-lock) and a new 617 which has the lock. I don't care on the 617 since it's a range toy only.

  17. Isn't this sillyness being done to keep sales in those Commie Enclaves that require gun locks? Probably some bean counter got a call from the insurance company demanding it to keep S+W's liability coverage. Remember Colt's Series 80 mods on the 1911's (JMB, PBUH)?

  18. Les,
    I LIKE the series 80 firing pin lock.
    I've never dropped a pre-80 Colt, but I've talked to some that have had them discharge when dropped or otherwise mishandled.
    What I don't like is that thumb safety the Army insisted JMB/Colt add to the gun. I'd trade that thumb safety for the firing pin lock in a heartbeat.

  19. Huh. Well, apparently I was wrong. It happens from time to time (just ask Mrs. G...)

    I thought the Heller 442 was part of the "no-lock" run, but obviously I was mistaken.

    Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

  20. Note that the quote was from a "former S&W CEO". Agreed they had some "issues" back a bit, but seem to be doing better these days.


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