Friday, July 09, 2010

I feal so cheapened...

As SayUncle has noted, I agreed to sell out to the MSM for a week or so.

I'm still a rebel at heart and stuff, though.


  1. Everything new is old at some point. The dividing line in media especially is blurring fast. Actually caught Radney Balko on NPR last evening.

    And that love and peace hippie crap from the seventies has become the isolationist hawk generation (my generation) of the now.

    Unc's just, old, whatever it takes to get your special brand of word out there, and most especially if that entails remuneration, go for it.


  2. You can still claim your wookie suit if you get compensated in precious metals, distilled grain alcohol, or ammunition.

    Bacon also counts.

  3. AT,

    "Unc's just jealous..."

    Doubtful. (He's been a guest poster there for years now.)

  4. Sigh! Next thing will be 1/2 hour show on the Outdoor Channel, then a Talking Head spot on ZNN, then she'll go into politics and move to D.C.....

  5. My guess was that Unc was being funny. I laughed.

  6. Can you confirm reports you will be taking Larry Kings slot for CNN?


  7. "Unc's just jealous..."


    Yeah, just being facetious; I'm sure he's as glad for you as the rest of us.

    Don't look over your shoulder, though...the newnewmedia is hot on yer heels.


  8. then she'll go into politics and move to D.C.....

    That could be fun to watch....

    WV: medlerr - what the other politicos would think she was.

  9. Heh. If she moves to DC, I know where she can live cheap in Free America well within commuting range, and still easily find places to shoot.


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