Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Immigrant Song.

On the Right Side of the Blogosphere, the refusal of the .gov to move decisively on the illegal immigration issue is painted as an unholy conspiracy of leftist government types trying to secure themselves a new voter base.

On the Left Side of the Blogosphere, the refusal of the .gov to move decisively on the illegal immigration issue is painted as an unholy conspiracy of right-wing government types trying to pander to their corporate paymasters by the securing of cheap labor.

Now, I ain't nobody, and I certainly don't have anything that could be described as an insider's view on things, but it seems to me that the failure of either wing to do anything other than put a fresh coat of lipstick on the amnesty pig is because both sides know that the whole Ponzi scheme of social entitlements is seriously upside-down and both are desperate to kick the can just far enough down the road to make it Somebody Else's Problem by enlarging the tax base however they can.


  1. Of course, this leaves the color of the lipstick os said pig: RED!

    It would have really wrecked the nation, but if the US had KEPT Mexico after the MA war, much of this debate would be moot. I don't advocate trying this now.


    Ulises from CA

  2. As I pontificated yesterday (I was bloviating a bit, sorry), they ain't worth 20+ bucks an hour in pay and bennies, so they'll get replaced by the next wave of illegals and end up on welfare, speeding the decline.

    Not that the bottom 40% of the U.S. working population contributes anything financially anyway, and immigrants always have a higher crime rate, simply because they don't have the emotional attachment to the new home they had back on their ancestral soil.

    Plus the fact that immigrant criminals get to come here and keep all their ill-gotten gains, rather than split them with the crooked cops they knew back home. Again, ants to sugar.

  3. The same reason the Europeans have allowed in vast hoards of Muslims despite their complete inability to assimilate into Western society.

    Their pyramid schemes are upside down so they opted for the demographic instead of the financial disaster.

  4. In my part of the blogosphere, the refusal of the .gov to move decisively on the illegal immigration issue is applauded.

  5. Hot damn, Tam, you just exposed the scam!

  6. Attended an SMU econ prof's lecture this PM and he said precisely that, Tam, along with the need for millions of home-care workers needed to change the big-boy nappies of an entire generation of drooling, senescent, incontinent Baby Boomers.

    Made me think of Zappa's quote:

    If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they're gonna murder you in your sleep.

  7. Tam,

    I for one just can't wait for them to confer citizenship on the 20+ million illegals now in the country. At least they will be honest about that number once amnesty is granted.

    Of course, since the overwhelming "reconquista" banzai charge across the border for the last 24 years since the first amnesty, was created by the very fact of that amnesty, the wave following the new amnesty should pretty much empty Mexico out. We should be able to take it over as "abandoned property" after that.

    On a completely off subject note, I just read your "Jello Shots" article in the July issue of Concealed Carry Magazine. Unfortunately I was working a part-time job at the time and called way too much attention to myself when I snorted Diet Dr. Pepper out my nose.

    Kudos on a great article written with your usual touch of snark that made me laugh out loud.

  8. Correct about the Inverted Pyramid, but if the Lifer Pols think they can keep kicking the can, what'll they do when the money runs out on their watch?The problem with "crossing that bridge when we come to it" is one eventually comes to it. And doesn't that look like a gap in the road just ahead?

  9. When both sides are refusing to do anything about something that the majority of their base is squawking about, you have to wonder what else is going on. The only thing we can be sure of is that it has nothing to do with any love for this country or the constitution.

  10. when social security was started there was a 40-1 worker retiree ratio. It's now 4-1. Soon it will be 2-1. Illegals work without accruing benefits so they are a perfect fit. So yes; you hit the nail on the head.

  11. Joseph,

    "In my part of the blogosphere, the refusal of the .gov to move decisively on the illegal immigration issue is applauded."

    In a perfect world, we'd need no stricter border controls than the ones used for noted immigrants like Tom Paine, Alex Hamilton, and J.P. Jones, because we wouldn't be spending squillions of taxpayer dollars on entitlement programs for every Tom, Dick, and Javier.

    When you have an open bar, you want to make sure that the only ones at the party are invitees, else the booze runs out too quick. Run a cash bar, and that's not as much of a problem; even if someone does crash the party, they wind up contributing to the kitty.

  12. Failing to deal with illegal immigration does not increase the tax base. There are just under 130 million jobs, and just under 155 million Americans who would work if there were enough jobs for them.

    So tax revenues would be the same with or without. But the illegals 100 plus billion dollar drag on State budgets would be very much less, and crime numbers would decline by MOL 50%.

    For lagniappe, most of the 25,000 to 100,000 young people smuggled in for "immoral purposes" would no longer be "snuff bait" when they are no longer useful. At least, not in our back yards.


  13. There are far more than 130 million jobs. The great majority of them aren't offered, due to lack of resources.

    Of course, taxing those who work to give to the lazy doesn't help much...and when I get taxed enough, I wonder if I ought to join the ranks of the lazy.

  14. "You Americans and your conspiracies."

    At least we don't get so caught up in our kooky conspiracies that we run out and gas a few million people...

  15. Hey. Don't blame a Slav for Hitler, okay? It makes about as much sense as me blaming your for electing Obama..

  16. Oh, I was just lumping "Europeans". It's kind of like "Americans" or "Arabs", ya know. :)

  17. Oh, and who's talking about Hitler? I mean, sure, he kicked off the dance, but it's not like he needed to force Slavs into rounding up Jews at gunpoint, or anything. Last I checked, the word "pogrom" wasn't derived from a Teutonic root...


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