Monday, July 12, 2010

Irony now available in size 3XL.

Michael Moore, a man who pays for his twinkies off the income from copyrighted works of fiction documentaries, doesn't seem to have much regard for the copyrighted property of others.

I guess they're just evil capitalists, while he's an honest blue collar multimillionaire workin' stiff. They owe him.


  1. Marko can collect from the Nuge after being ripped off. has a better case here (with the cropped photos and video), they should be readying their attorney notices.

    I'm not normally the first person to run to litigate, but in the case of anyone v. Michael Moore, I clap my hands and cheerily applaud.


  2. When I think of Roger Moore,I think of those very fat birds that a Pacific Island tribe used for candles, by running a wick from mouth to butt and lighting it.

    Apparently, the little birds served quite well as illumination against the darkness, in polar contrast to Moore, who could only produce smoke and mirrors.

    Still,I would find the experiment worthwhile,were it available for a public trial.

    John, the Red

  3. To hell with litigation. I have plans for Mike Moore. They mostly involve pliers, a Presto Fry baby, an X-Acto knife, a cheese grater, and a bag of rock salt. I figure I can make the fun last almost a year. The people in Room 101 were fags.

  4. Hope Knoxnews sues his fat ass down to Parade Rest...

    David v. Goliath,anyone?

  5. PS...if all these folks and incidents and activities upon which Moore has allegedly 'reported', were as bad as represented, he'd have been sleeping with Jimmy Hoffa in a Detroit landfill, years ago.

  6. "When I think of Roger Moore"

    hehehe I was going to correct you, but I think that's appropriate : ]

  7. You know his best role yet was in Team America.


  8. is 3XL big enough to fit that fat tub of lard?

  9. You know his best role yet was in Team America.

    As performances go, it was his least wooden.

  10. Sendarius for teh win!
    Wish I'd said that.


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