Saturday, July 17, 2010

Le sigh.

VFTP turns five in a month. For a while there, it looked like I might tip 3,000,000 hits at about the same time, which would have been cool, but it doesn't look like that's quite going to happen.

Oh, well. I'll buck up somehow. ;)


  1. Sweeps Week ;p

    It would generate traffic.
    /just sayin'


  2. Let's see... I'm probably 1,000,000 of those hits. And I'm fairly normal, for a gunblog reader. Sooo, by the transitive property, Tam has only three readers. And I know Mr. No-Pants is one of them. Now I'm curious who the third one is. Maybe somebody cool, like Dick Cheney or the Old Spice guy. Unfortunately, I suppose this means that even Shootin' Buddy and Bobby don't read her. Oh well.

  3. Since Sitemeter is notorious for under counting, you're probably over the three million mark anyway.

  4. I've been coming around at least once every day for almost that whole time, so I feel I've been doing my part.

  5. Bikini pic. Just sayin'. (Assuming I'm the only one who didn't save it to disk last time...)

  6. Not to worry. I've been around three times as long and I have yet to hit two million. (Next month, I think.)

    More to the point, you've earned every one of those visitors, and then some.

  7. Listen, when you hit counter gets into the thousands, give me a call.

    Wait, that isn't how it works at all, is it? :P


  8. TAM: Earl The Library Keeper will be at the Blogmeet tomorrow. He is here now at our farm and will follow me down to Indy with the sweet corn.

    Just saying...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  9. I've been a daily hit on your blog since I first started reading blogs.

    So... not quite 3,000,000 hits.... which only makes you three times as successful a blogger as any other individual in the world.

  10. "Now I'm curious who the third one is. Maybe somebody cool, like Dick Cheney or the Old Spice guy."

    No, it's just me.

    (um, the Old Spice guy???)


  11. I said I'd hit it!
    Just not 3 million times.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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