Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lions and tigers...

...and bears!

Oh, my!

(BONUS!: Lions!)


  1. I like bears, they are the neatest of the neat omnivores in North America. With that said, when I see a bear within 100 yards of me, I start thinking that same old thought.

    "What tree should I climb for bears?"


  2. What was it, the brown bear comes up after you and the black bear shakes it until you fall out?


    PS - What gun for bear? 16"-50 Mk. VII if I actually intend to use it.

  3. The black bear bluffs a few times and runs off if its cubs are not threatened. The mama black bear climbs after you. The brown bear bats you out of the tree like an errant kite.

    Confoundingly, black bears come in several brown/blonde phases, and recognizing key morphological details is usually beyond the ken of the treed.

    Ya could've scored "lions" too if you'd linked the post a few up at Chas's with the lion caught on cam after the jogger...

  4. I'm cautious of bears in Northwest New Jersey parks. Running a woodland trail in Montana? That is too big a step down the food-chain for me.

  5. Darn. Thought you were gonna post a pic of a Tupolov variant being escorted by an F-22 off Alaskan shores.

    BTW, let me know if you're functional yet with the big black gravity well. It's been awfully quiet on that end...

  6. Don't forget the Lions here in Indiana-
    Links to pictures at the end of the article.

  7. What's this--a bear post without the standard "alcohol and bacon suit" comment from shootin' buddy? is the world ending?

  8. I got a malware warning for that lion site, something about cloudisthebest...?

  9. Some pistol test. I thought he was about to slap bacon grease on the HK and toss it to Bruin...


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