Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Modern Primitives.

Scooteroi on Stan Cox's calls for life without a/c, including "Shorter summer business hours and month-long closings...":
Yeah, that’ll do wonders for the productivity of the United States, idiot. How about abolishing modern medical care and going back to having a barber bleed you to ‘release the bad spirits’ and occasionally throwing a leech your way. It makes about as much sense. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and head off to East Timor and give it a whirl, ass.


  1. Okay, but how 'bout just the District of Columbia, then?

  2. I was thinking the same thing! No AC for DC!

  3. I kinda like the idea. I've always said that AC ruined the character of the south.

  4. "Okay, but how 'bout just the District of Columbia, then?"

    Do you really want them taking that out on the rest of the country?

  5. My wife has a better idea. Do like they do in Spain - just have siesta during the hottest parts of the day; close businesses, go home and get laid, take a shower and a nap, and re-open your business once it starts to cool off, and just stay open later.

  6. It depends where you live. Having the A/C blasting in New England is ridiculous. It's hot for maybe three weeks out of the year.

    Got a medical condition? Too elderly to take it? Fine, but productivity does take a hit when people refuse to do anything but sit in front of an air-conditioner, complain about the heat, and move like slug.

  7. A/C in Washington DC may have been one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. Congress used to just go home for a few months when it got hot. Now they stay there and "Fix Things" all year.

  8. The last thing we need is to be more like Europe. It's a pain in the ass to adapt to a mid-day siesta, to be honest. I tried it for three months and still found myself wide awake at 3 in the afternoon.

    Also, I think Cox is an idiot, he would single handedly bankrupt small American businessmen, particularly in the south. You know all those independent, non-unionized, southern HVAC contractors. Yea, that'll help the economy...dumbass.


  9. "Screw those independent, non-unionized, southern HVAC contractors. They don't vote for us."

  10. How about abolishing modern medical care

    Um, didn't they do that already?

  11. Wonder how that idiot would like to write his silly books using parchment and quills and candlelight? Hey, lets see how the MSM would run if there was no cooling to their servers! Think they might actually crawl out from their cubes to hit the streets and report REAL news instead of recycling propaganda?

    wv: popho-Lindsey Lohan?

  12. Am I missing something? Is Cox asking that government enforce a no-A/C dictate?

  13. It depends where you live. Having the A/C blasting in New England is ridiculous. It's hot for maybe three weeks out of the year.

    Uhhh, look up the concept of acclimation. You spend all year in mild weather, that rapid change to hot. is. hot.

    No different than when a sunny-clime'd one visits a less than warm locale and sits in front of the heater complaining about the cold......

  14. Oh, Crap! This is just another push to get Cap-and-Tax and Smart Grid pushed down our throats . You all heard the line before: "the American People need to have a discussion on how best to solve the Nation's (fill in the blank)". Same load of manure that says "Reasonable people can disagree on the methods, but no one is seriously opposed to (fill in the blank)". Then another 2,000+ page law is passed, and we get screwed over again. Dammit, I used to be good at deciphering Commie Propaganda. Must have spent too much time out in the yard today, where it's 90+. SOOOOO glad I had my AC fixed, and my local coal fired electrical plant has to burn some more of what my cousins in Southern Ohio mine. They were worried they might lose their jobs, like off-shore oil workers.

  15. yeah, who seriously believes the self-styled nomenklatura philosopher only-one class are gonna be subject to any "no A/C rule?"

    The whole mindset of "oh, normal people shouldn't have [X], but people like me [are special/deserve it for our hard work for the common good/are smart enough to be trusted with it]....."

    gah. lowest of the low.

  16. Once told the kids that Washington decided to put DC in a malarial swamp because it would be so miserable that all but THE most corrupt would want to finish work and go home; then along came a/c and screwed that up.

    I invite Cox to spend a summer in someplace like Wheat Country, OK or in The Humid Buggy Woods of southeast OK with no artificial cooling. He'll either die or change his mind.

  17. Yeah, OK. I'll give up my AC and just live in 100+ temps with humidity. And let's ignore what the mold will do to buildings.


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