Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

Kevin brings a blurb from an April '81 Time article on gun control.

How the author of that hit piece must rue the fact that, at a federal level at least, things had pretty much reached their high-water mark by then. They managed to get the Brady law through about a decade later, but after that, they couldn't even get the '94 AWB through a Democrat Congress without an expiration date.

The only thing that hasn't changed since '81 is the rhetoric. It still sounds exactly the same.


  1. Y'know, in a way, you've got to hand it to the anti-gun folks.

    They've managed to ride a dead horse for over 30 years now. That's some kind of accomplishment.

    They've managed to use emotional appeals in the face of logic; Google searchs instead of hard facts; and penis jokes instead of actual discourse. Most folks would have given up years ago.

    They, however, built lucrative careers out of it...

  2. Over 30 years? More like seventy-five! Admittedly, they didn't really get going until about '68, but the focus changed from disarming blacks to disarming the general populace about '34.

  3. More like 100. Read some of the editorials in the NYT, prior to the Sullivan Act of 1911.

    The disarmers always got what the wanted, yet still complained like they had nothing.

  4. As I predicted the '94 AWB was their Stalingrad.

    McDonald is their Destruction of Army Group Center.

    This will only end when gun ownership becomes mandatory, ranges are funded with taxes on those owning less than 50 guns and L. Neil Smith is the Director of BATFE.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. I actually remember this article. I couldn't have imagined sitting here and typing this and being so old back then!
    I wrote up a letter canceling my parent's subscription after this article and several more were published with no barrier between the reporting and the editorializing.
    My father vetoed the cancellation. I can't believe it's been 30 years, I was ten and hated the media with a passion that has not diminished one iota.

    With Holder and Obama et. al. it has actually gotten far worse, ugh.

  6. If you can find it, there was an article in Esquire in, IIRC, 1980 called "The Case for Guns". . or similar. . . for the time it was pretty good. . .

    Check it out, check-it-outers. . .

  7. Ok, found it: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=3499

    was off by a year, it was 1981. . .

  8. Don't forget the Hughes Amendment to the 1986 Firearm Owner's Protection Act.

  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10601666

    10 Year olds in East England are getting gun "licenses"!

    Ulises from CA

  10. "Check it out, check it outers..."

    I thought that was very funny and ran it through the ranks as it were...

    Other folks seem to think it is less funny, bummer!!

    I have a big grin, thank you sir!!


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