Wednesday, July 14, 2010


2nd worst headache of my life.

More later.


  1. Stay away from the trepanazine.

  2. Best quick slam I've ever had for 'em is BC powder. They taste incredibly bad. I've had two migraines in my life, and they both fell to that simple OTC preparation, by recommendation from a chronic sufferer.

    (I simply cannot conceive of a life in which someone regularly has such pain. I choose to believe that we're talking about different things.)

  3. If you start seeing auras, you might want to get to a doc-in-the-box. Otherwise, hope you're best soonest.

    I suffered from migranes for many years. Then I got divorced, and they went away.

  4. Sorry, friend. Hope you get past it soon.

    Dark places and peaceful thoughts... like maybe hippies in a blender or something.

  5. Not to get off topic, I get migraines myself and can understand how bad they can get, but I was wondering, is Indiana getting the monsoon that central Ohio is this year? I've been trying to ride my bike daily just for exercise (I work at home and take an hour long bike break and ride about 12 miles) but the last few weeks have been crazy, I doubt I'm on the bike more than twice a week. Just curious is the constant rain is out West as well. I've found two leaks in my roof thanks to all this rain...

  6. 2nd worst? Oh, you've been married then?

    Laughter allegedly being the best medicine, hope that worked :)

  7. Do not google Trepanning and Rael.

  8. Just a medical warning. If someone says "This is the worst headache of their life" + plus they look spacey your first thought should be stroke. It is a really common thing for stroke victims to say. My mother said exactly that when she had hers so now I always think of it when someone says they have the worst headache of their life because they may be right.

    One exception being if they are just hungover and being a wuss about it.

  9. Still alive, then?

    A great cure for migrane & tension headaches requires a spouse & cannot be printed in a family blog. But, it works. :)

    Ulises from CA


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