Friday, July 16, 2010

The WHAT Czar?!?

It is probably a myth that Gaius Caesar tried to make his favorite horse a consul. (Suetonius and Cassius Dio being about as reliably dispassionate and unbiased about the Julio-Claudians as Andrew Sullivan is about Sarah Palin.)

It is, sadly, not a myth that the White House's short order cook is now "Senior Policy Adviser For Healthy Food Initiatives."


  1. Does that position come with fries?

  2. See-Czar Salad! . . . okay, yeah, that wasn't very good.

  3. Sort of got "super-sized", didn't he?

  4. Welcome to the Amateurs club, son. Along with the rest of the Cabinet.


  5. At least Caesar used a whole horse...

  6. On the bright side, I'd expect him to be a very good cook...

  7. If (under the premise of improving the healthy eating habits of America) this "Czar" tries to outlaw bacon, then the next American revolution will probably be violent, savage, bloody, and immediate.
    Nobody f**ks with bacon. Ever.

    Just sayin'.

  8. "At least Caesar used a whole horse..."

    rickn8or wins teh internets!

  9. Guess Michelle's boy toy wanted a pay raise.

  10. This is crap you just can't make up. I TOTALLY expected to see Douglas Adams' name somewhere in there... we're surely headed towards the Restaurant at the End of the Universe... or at least the bottom of the barrel.

    Talk about runnin' out of ideas, sheesh.

  11. What I want to know is, did he become the family cook by cooking meals that tasted good, or by convincing the O's that the awful dreck he could cook was "healthy"?

    If they've got to have a Healthy Food Czar, far better it be a real chef who understands that fat tastes good, and if the food doesn't taste good it doesn't matter how healthy it is because they'll leave it on the plate and sneak an extremely unhealthy snack. But I'd expect the Obama's to hire the poseur and endure his bad cooking...


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