Thursday, August 05, 2010

About that "cousin-humping" stuff...

Unlike you simple hicks, when Percy C. Throckmorton III marries his cousin, that’s just good breeding. It’s how you get refined creatures with tiny braincases like afghan hounds, European royalty, and Yankee liberal aristocrats.


  1. When polite society's conversation turns to breeding, my attitude is "sure, it's fun - but there's a lot of other stuff to do, too. Like shooting."

    Maybe that's just me.

  2. Always wondered how them Kennedy's seemed to spread like weeds over the past few decades.

  3. You know what they say about incest.

    Its a game the whole family can play.

    Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

  4. Jeremy Clarkson on Top gear continually harps on about inbred Americans, and whenever he does, I tend to yell at the TV "At least we don't make them the (nominal) heads of our COUNTRY!" But i guess I'm gonna have to STFU about that now. I guess I can still say we don't have a HISTORY of it..



  5. The Aristocrats!

    (Yeah, it's a joke. Go Google it.)

  6. Or Moslems.

    When she lived in the HKJ, my littermate always said the ame thing after rolling her eyes when confronted by a paricularly stupid Arabian situation:

    "What do you expect after two thousand years of f@cking your cousin."

  7. Ancient Woodsman6:54 PM, August 05, 2010

    A good number of heads-of-state prior to and during the Great War (war to end all wars?) were related in one way of another.

    Saw a picture recently of Czar Nikolas II next to George V; they couled've been brothers, with George the nuttier. Wilhelm was in the family tree, too, and plenty of Dukes & Duchesses, Princes & Princessess...

    Yes, it is indeed sad when cousins marry. Millions upon millions of dead sad. Perhaps there's a reason why the liberal elite still enjoy the 'honor' of using the family renunion for a courting party - it leads to war for the rest of us.

  8. I remember that, during the campaign, some newsie discovered that George W. and John Kerry were cousins 17 times. And that's only on Kerry's mother's side, as his father's family were suicidal Czechs who turned Catholic and adopted an Irish name when they moved to Boston, supposedly to avoid anti-semitism.

    But also quite possibly to avoid connection with several swindles back in Prague. I'd say Kerry got into the right business. I'd wonder if his Grampa was proud of him, except the old boy stuck a revolver in his ear in a downtown Boston men's room one afternoon.

    Considering that Kerry managed to both shoot himself with a grenade launcher and blow himself up with a poorly laid demolition charge, I'd say gun control makes sense for Boston politicians.

    Staghounds, the incidence of marriage between first cousins in the Moslem world has dropped to a bit less than 50% in the last 40 years, down from about two-thirds.

    Of course, after a dozen centuries of the real thing, I imagine the term second cousin has about the same weight. No wonder the Lebanese used to own everything. Their bankers are Christians.

  9. "...George W. and John Kerry were cousins 17 times. And that's only on Kerry's mother's side..."

    I say, that was quite sporting of her.

  10. I'd always heard that incest was a relative thing.

  11. I moved from Az to Ca to marry my first cousin. Results: three kids, one head each. Our oldest is getting her full scholarship PhD in Physics at Cal Berkley just now.

  12. As I'm sure Mr. Stephen Bodio could tell you, that comparison is completely unfair to Afghan Hounds.

  13. Don,

    I can understand marrying someone you love, but moving to California? That's just icky.


  14. Oh, and Collies. I quote here from Temple Marie Grandin's book, "Animals in Translation", page 82:

    "The problem isn't just the reduced space for the collie's brain; it's also the weird shape of the skull. I would expect to find that the progressive narrowing of their faces has distorted collie brains anatomically. But whatever the cause, their intelligence has gone down so far that I call collies brainless ice picks. It's a horrible thing to have done to a nice, and beautiful, dog."

  15. Oh, Ancient Woodsman? I too used to wonder at cousins and brothers going to war with each other, until my Dad died and the person I now refer to as my ex-brother proceeded to eff with my inheritance.

    That kind of intra-family violence now seems perfectly natural to me, and if I had hundreds of retainers and millions of subjects I'd declare total war on his ass and have his head brought to me on a plate.

    That's only if I were a sovereign monarch, you understand. Unfortunately, I am subject to the laws of the United States of America, so I'm not allowed to hurt the worthless piece of dog poo.


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