Monday, August 30, 2010

Because I'm a giver, that's why.

From a commenter at John Robb's place, I was led here.

Haven't you always wanted the answer to questions like "Does God HATE Astronauts?" and "Does the Earth MOVE?" I know I did.

I just had to share that link with you guys. Go and bask in the gloriosity of it all...


  1. And I thought I was weird! At least all I have is a tinfoil hat. or two. And a wookiesuit. or two. or three.


  2. Blast Hardcheese4:40 PM, August 30, 2010

    But it is so much FUN to randomly CAPITALIZE your words! Even better when you capitalize THE wrong word and screw UP the emphasis! And you automatically make everything you write VERY IMPORTANT!

    HELP me, I can't stop! It's a DISEASE!

  3. It is obvious that RWS escaped the conformity conferred by government run schools. Other escapes are left to the reader's imagination (that is if the reader thinks they still have an imagination when compared to RWS).

  4. Now all the voices in my head are talking at once. AGAIN!

    Thanks TAM!!!


  5. I used to work with a guy we called "Reverend Jim". Brilliant guy, 30-something patents, super fast to spot anything less than optimal, stunning intellect.

    He also ran a storefront halleluya factory specializing in shouting, screaming, and the filling of one's pants with various bodily excresences while in a state of "rapture".

    They took him out in restraints one day, in the middle of his personal conversation with Jesus, while he was setting up our collective damnation. Real Elmer Gantry stuff, except that he believed it too.

    Let me quote my father, who's only religion was the United States Navy: "One man's inspiration is another man's hallucination".

  6. I like how they capitalise "beCause".

    I found it particularly amusing when he said "the Great War, itself — that is, in World War 2". :-)

  7. I want the Swangkee Sword of Divine Truth. And I'll need the training to be qualified to wield it. It'll make all the Glock, and 1911, et al fanbois green with envy.

    "What the best pistol? Glock or 1911 or HK USP?"

    "NONE of the above. TBolt pwns with the Swangkee Sword of Divine Truth "


  9. lol. Makes Jack Chick seem sane.

  10. Great Tam, I had to click on the link and now I have run out of mental bleach to clean the stupid out of my brain!

  11. Uh, Tam....just how do you have your RSS feed configured?

  12. NEVER again will I trust a LINK that you provide. Thanks FOR tainting me.

    Read the book.

  13. Oh, hell yes. That was worth going to see just to pick up a new method to make "Womyn" spelling feminists' heads explode.

    "Wombmen". 'Nuff said.

  14. Damn Tam. I now know how a Lovecraft character feels.

  15. Still:

    "The Controversy over Handguns will not Cease, until the Truth is made Known to the General Public, which must Decide whether or not it will do what is Right for itself, in spite of all Brainwashing Doctrines of Political Rabbits, who have Sensationalized the Misuse of Handguns — as if Handguns could be Blamed for the Violent Crimes that are Committed by the Violators, rather than the Unstable Consciences of those who Use such Handguns Inappropriately, who have a Lack of Self-discipline, who must now be Persuaded to Change their Ways, and to Accept the Truth..."

    Even in the Midst of Madness there is the (occasional) Truth!

    And I didn't even have to Go To Book to find it.


  16. That website deserves the full-on Billy Madison treatment:

    Mr. Swangkee, what you've just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this blog is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  17. It's like a monkey fucking a football. It's not pleasant to see, but I can't help staring.

  18. Hey, he needs TO LEAVE ME out of it. I ain't brainwashed NOBODY in 3 months AT LEAST.

    His dwelling construction methods, while somewhat unorthodox beyond 13th Century methods, do have promise if you don't have to have Italian marble walls everywhere and a toilet in your kitchen.

  19. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Over? I mean really man! Did this guy quit taking his Abilify or is he undiagnosed? It's not often you see that level of crazy running around unmedicated.

  20. I'm sorry, I CANNOT take that SITE. Neither, APPARENTLY, can it take me.

    user warning: Table './thepswa3_drpl1/visitors' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: INSERT INTO visitors (visitors_uid, visitors_ip, visitors_date_time, visitors_url, visitors_referer, visitors_path, visitors_title, visitors_user_agent ) VALUES ('0', '703957028', 1283239918, '', '', 'node/2455', 'Featured Books', 'Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.0; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00' ) in /home/thepswa3/public_html/sites/all/modules/visitors/visitors.module on line 298.[/quote]

  21. I almost dug it.
    What? The Knob Creek?

  22. Part of me wants to dismiss that site as a parody. On the other hand, another part is whispering "But there really are people who think like that..."

    I just don't think I ever encountered a person who held ALL of those beliefs simultaneously. But if you accept one of them, what's to prevent you buying into the rest? It isn't as if you have grounds to say "No, wait, that's just too ridiculous!"

  23. This site, combined with the power of my hangover actually made me motion sick. And I'm sitting in an office chair.



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