Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some days you can't tell CNN from The Onion.

(CNN) -- U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, under fire for alleged financial wrongdoing and harming the credibility of Congress...
Harming the lolwhut?

Charlie Rangel wouldn't know an ethic if you stuffed one in a sock and beat him unconscious with it.

The man is such a canker on the body politic that he even stands out in Congress, and you've got to be a particularly ripe road apple to get noticed in that mulch pile.


  1. "Charlie Rangel wouldn't know an ethic if you stuffed one in a sock and beat him unconscious with it."

    Thank you for taking me to my happy place, if only for a few seconds.

    WV: porkk

    As god is my witness.

  2. They meant to write:
    "under fire for blatant financial wrongdoing and harming the alleged credibility of Congress..."

  3. Kick-ass. I'd love to see you in Heaven Above. Meet me o'thar, please? See ya soon. Love you. God bless.

  4. "Some days you can't tell CNN from The Onion"

    Sure ya can; the latter is the one with the (relatively) fairandbalanced reportage.

    (And holy shit, Tam's gettin' bouquets from beyond the grave now? Spooky.)


  5. Thank you.... my daily snark requirement all in one post.

    Oh... and agreed on the pulchritudinous sack of corruption that is Rangel.

    On the other hand, that might just make him a good representative of his constituency...

  6. The bright side, is that given his advanced years, time is working against him now.

    I use the same formula for other Policritters I loath. Kennedy and Byrd are Time's most recent victims, And I'm not above gloating about that a little bit.

    And, as an added bonus, the mental picture of beating that guy with a tube sock of ethics made me snort Jack & Coke..

  7. As you have a historical bent, you probably know Rangel replaced notarious miscreant Adam Clayton Powell, famous for his misdeeds! Gotta keep the tradition going!

  8. Harming the Credibility of Congress? Oh, never mind, the story is from ZNN. Thought I slipped into a parallel universe or something.

  9. Uhh, were talkin' Harlem here.

  10. As Instapundit notes, Senator Durban had a tumor successfully removed, and it was the only non-malignant part of him.

  11. congress? creditability? wow i thought those two words never went together when you spoke about congress.


  12. "Charlie Rangel wouldn't know an ethic if you stuffed one in a sock and beat him unconscious with it."

    Nice!! I needed the laughter today!

  13. I'd say he CONFIRMED the credibility of congress. It has none.


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