Thursday, August 12, 2010

What the NRA does best...

Taking credit for other people's work.

(In this case, the Zumbo incident, which they didn't even notice until Jim had been sent to his room without supper.)

I happen to know somebody who did a lot of the grunt work in getting CCW reciprocity between Indiana and Texas because it made frequent visits to Thunder Ranch easier, and when the deal finally went down, guess who crowed about their big victory?


  1. What do expect from Upper Level Members of the Executive Class who pal around with Harry Reid?

  2. Well, they got that wine club thing going for 'em, too.

  3. I merely got the ball rolling and then kept prodding it.

    The people of Texas helped a tremendous amount on the Indiana-Texas reciprocity by transferring authority from the DPS to the Texas AG.

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. Actually the NRA doesn't seem to be taking Zumbo credit, Mr. Kinsman is assigning it to them.

  5. @Staghounds. Agreed. I think the NRA is the only bogyman they ever point to because it’s the only one they know. Besides, it's insane that a group of individuals would ever care enough to support the 2nd Amendment without marching orders from some large monolithic organization. We plebes just can’t think for ourselves. That just don’t fit the narrative.


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