Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Who didn't see that coming?

After yesterday's rout in the Show Me State, just out of curiosity I punched "Missouri Proposition C rednecks" and "Missouri Proposition C hillbillies" into Google. I was not disappointed.

"Why won't you stupid cousin-humping rednecks vote for us?", indeed.


  1. Wow. Especially fun comments at the second site.
    Love the one with the example of the "old panicky geezer swayed by RushBeck who got a TAX REFUND". Soooo the Imperial ObaMao gives back a PORTION of what it took from some elderly citizen is PROOF the old guy is a droolin fool...uh huh, gotcha...incisive minds...

  2. I took a break from work to read something lower in strees than the problem I'm working on, and I made the mistake of reading the comments at mahablog, There is a bummber crop of stupid in this country.


  3. Can pull my head out of the oven now?
    Sri Maha Rudram - Rudra literally means that “Fire comes from the Bowels of the earth spreading God's "Grace" all over the world” - IOW it's a volcano. It figures that a Liberal would concoct such a powerful self-image while spewing toxic pyroclastic flows of Liberalism everywhere. Sheesh.
    Missouri's a sight better off than California.

  4. "There is a bum[p]ber crop of stupid in this country."

    Oh, I like that. May I use it?

  5. I really like the idea the second site pushed that servicemen/women getting medical care for their injuries was the same as socialism.

    I am intimately familiar with the insides of the VA, and it has the bad aspects of socialism, but the patients have paid for it up front, in risk and blood.

  6. I love the sub-title of the second blog- "making the world safe for liberalism."

    Great job, boys! Keep it up, and we'll be home by November!

  7. Just because flinging grievous insults at the people you want to convince hasn't worked so far is no proof that it won't work ever.

    Or are you too stupid to realize that?

    Heh heh. See what I did there?

  8. "Why won't you stupid cousin-humping rednecks vote for us?"

    Because we like to be FREEEEEEE!!!

  9. Does seem to be a favorite debating tactic of the modern left "Just shut up and agree with me!"

  10. I love Maha's "I know the state well" intro, which promises, at best, a sympathetic and reasoned account of why Obamacare may have been too much too soon for midwestern sensibilities, and at worst a sympathetic statement that the people of Missouri suffer false consciousness.

    But no, it's the lead-in to a torrent of withering contempt from someone who may be able to read the state's demographics on Wikipedia, but hasn't the slightest understanding of how its people think.

  11. Reasoned discourse appears to have broken out.

  12. Not so fast.

    Maha (had never heard of it before you linked) just called your readers a "troll invasion" and closed comments.

  13. Isn't it funny that on most blogs a "Troll" is defined as somebody Inflammatory and argumentative who doesn't add to the topic of conversation.

    But on Lefty "Progressive" blogs its defined as "Anybody who disagrees with me"

  14. I liked the kolledge kiddy who was clearly playing the civic-intellectual angle against the, as he put it, "hinterlands."

    Well, if dear Andy Waschick wants it that way, I'll give it to him, in spades, exactly how he wants it.

    He doesn't even understand the rules he's putting forth for this scenario, however, and it's going to be his undoing, in the end.

  15. They all fail to mention that all those rednecks who don't have insurance, etc., etc., can go to any ER for care and walk out afterward without paying a dime. It's state law and well as federal law.

    There is no one in this country who will be turned away from an ER. It's so prevalent that some hospitals have closed their ERs to cut the drain of $$ and resources.

  16. I live in the MO hinterlands by choice. I wonder if we can eject KC and St. Louis...

  17. I liked her response to my comment.

    Apparently pointing out to her that she was insulting people was an insult directed at her.

    After that: "Shut up!", she explained, and closed comments.

  18. But on Lefty "Progressive" blogs its defined as "Anybody who disagrees with me"

    Well, if you disagree with a leftist, you can't add anything to the conversation because you're just a hate mongering conservative WHO HATES THE POOR AND OPPRESSES WOMEN!!!!

  19. They can come disagree and name-call and whatever here until the cows come home.

    I only really draw the line at spamming for heathen Chinee porn sites.

    (Well, there was that one weirdo birther LaRouchie that was spewing a dozen copypasta quoted an hour...)

  20. Buy american shaved pussy!

    Not that chinee porn.


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