Monday, September 06, 2010

Do-it-yourself felonies!

Some guy on the internet shows how to make your very own shotgun for the low, low price of only $10,000 and 10 years in Club Fed!

Protip: Do not post pictures of your felonies on the intertubes.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Thet ratt there is a man all ate up with the dumbass.

  2. Whatever happened to "... shall not be infringed"?

  3. Looks like he has a disclaimer on that site, dunno if it was before or after he was found in the blogosphere...

  4. Anon,

    "Whatever happened to "... shall not be infringed"?"

    I dunno, ask the judge.

  5. You should a give guy smart enough to assemble one of those zip gun thingies more credit. I have it on good authority he assembled it while at sea and took that photo on the cobblestone deck of his ginormous yacht before feeding his new toy to the sharks.

  6. FWIW, all y'all, it's not that he built a shotgun that's problematic, it's that he built one with less than 18" of barrel. That's an NFA violation.

    Also an NFA violation, if I recall correctly, is the 'automated sentry system' I see in the assoc. links.

  7. Friend of mine forwarded me the link the other day since the guy's here in ABQ . . . I wanted to trackback with my business card. :-/

    cheers, erich martell
    albuquerque nm

  8. Idiot. Everybody knows duct tape beats twine... I really wanted to see him fire that thing. That upper hip firing technique would be good for yuks.

  9. And they try to say that craftsmanship is dead in America

  10. There's video of the weapon being test fired (with no pellets; not clear if there was powder or just primer) at the same site.

  11. Well, it's nice of him to highlight just how difficult it is to "control guns" in a world where everyone has access to basic tools and creativity.

    Too bad it's gonna cost him so much to spread the word.

  12. You're all assuming that the ATF will go after him. I have it on good authority that there is a gun store out there with paperwork violations....

  13. I dunno, but if I were to post such stuff(legality wise, I'd never stoop to zip guns), I'd do so anonymously. Believe it or not, it can be done....

  14. So we're clear, making a legal-length shotgun or rifle for one's personal use is legal federally.

  15. Once saw a magazine show in their handy tips section, how to add a butt-stock to a pistol by brazing a wire stock to the base plate of the mag. No, it was not a gun magazine. They had to run a bit of a retraction in the next issue.

  16. "You're all assuming that the ATF will go after him. I have it on good authority that there is a gun store out there with paperwork violations..."

    Freeholder wins the internets.

  17. Is the guy in the US?

  18. Wow.

    And he can't even be bothered to look up any possible laws regarding his endeavor?

    That's comic gold right there.

  19. I know the issue is the barrel length.

    My issue would be the quality of the metal in the pipe and pipe cap. Holding a water pipe up to my face and touching off an internal explosion that generates 10 to 11 thousand PSI seems like a good way to get on the waiting list for a guide dog.

  20. >Idiot. Everybody knows duct tape beats twine...

    But does it beat twine AND glue?

    >I really wanted to see him fire that thing. That upper hip firing technique would be good for yuks.

    He fired it, except without shot or wadding, and it was not held in hand. That's a good test of reliability.

    The part that had me all rule 2 was when he was fitting the firing pin while there was a live round in the chamber. And it was pointed at his toes.

  21. All he needs is 18" of barrel and 26" LOA... which he didn't do.


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