Sunday, September 26, 2010

Equal rights... most of the time.

Some knucklehead launched a wall-o'-text rant in the comments section at Marko's blog that began with
I love how “conservatives” screech when asked to pay their fair share...
When you hear "fair share", you know you're going to get a spiel with the semantic content of a lecture from Charlie Brown's teacher; a bit of inchoate resentment rolled up in a crispy layer of class envy and sprinkled with a faulty grasp of economics.

I felt compelled to respond:
I love how preschool the phrase “fair share” sounds. Do you want the crusts cut off of your “fair share”?

Who determines what’s “fair”? You? Teacher?

Okay, we’ll take the check and split it evenly 300,000,000 ways. Oh, wait… You say that little Billy Gates should have to pay more than you? Your “fair share” is smaller than his?

I love how “liberals” are all about “equal rights” every goddam day of the year except April 15th.
Only tangentially related, if you are going to vomit forth an internet tirade on how stupid and retarded your (conservative/gun owning/Tea Party/Sarah Palin/whatever) opponent is, you'd best bring your grammar-and-punctuation "A" game. There are very few things that peg the irony meter like being called a moron by someone who can't spell the word correctly.


  1. My post last night was on this very subject.

    The top 25% of tax returns in this country (those returns making $139K and over) pay 85% of the taxes. The top 1% of returns are responsible for paying 38% of the taxes.

  2. My Dad taught Me not to worry what little Billy Gates is doing but to focus on what little McVee is doing.
    Oh, and another thing... poor people don't create jobs.

  3. Tam- I also suspect that the idiot comment quotient is going to increase greatly in the coming weeks prior to V-day in all attempts to justify the one and His admin'.

  4. I love how these assholes want to throw our money at Africa (accomplishing nothing but enriching scam artists, warlords, etc) but they screech about how we don't want to pay our "fair share" when we balk at their brilliant ideas.

  5. I learned in grade school. You only hear the word "share" when someone wants what someone else has.

    "Share" doesn't sound as rude as "Gimme!"

  6. Yes, but how can we sleep when our beds are burning?

    And lay off the spelling thing. Moron was my Representative in Congress back when I lived in Northern Virginia!

  7. Yes, but how can we sleep when our beds are burning?

    And lay off the spelling thing. Moron was my Representative in Congress back when I lived in Northern Virginia!


    I hate that carpetbagging family of scumbags. They're like a store brand Kennedy.

  8. The Fallacy of the Ranter is in the idea that only the Liberals pay their "Fair Share". Who said that any U.S. Citizen had a Share to Pay? It was the DemiCommies/Progressive/Socialist/Liberal/Marxist idea to burden the Republic with the 16th Amendment, not the Conservatives. The Whiner sounds like any mugger who ever opened a wallet and said "Is this all you Got?" Theft is Theft. ( Of course, too many Repubs liked the idea of "Free Money", also).

  9. Brad K. Brilliant. I want to steal that soooo much...

  10. Tam,

    It's clear that "Ron" either missed the obvious snark in your immediately preceeding comment re the fallacy of the zero-sum-game assumption or was simply being intentionally obtuse in casually ignoring it.

    Hell, Jugears even knows better -- as if he had a clue how an even remotely free-market economy works -- and admitted it during (I believe) a Time Magazine interview back in January of 2008. He reitereated it even more publicly in June of the same year when Joe The Plumber asked Zero more or less the same thing.

    "It's not about revenue; it's about 'fairness'."

    His own words.

    You get that pretty routinely from people who don't have any idea what, for example, the phrase "time-value of cash and capital assets" means or who can't comprehend the concept of the risk-and-reward equation. It's particularly true of those who've never had the responsibility of meeting a payroll from their own earnings. All above of which pretty well describes __________ .

    The answer to the question is left as an exercise for the class.

    In any case, the next time you hear any politician start blathering about

    " . . . the cost of a tax cut . . . "

    you have from me one Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card if you're inclined to to kick him in the package while wearing steel-toed golf shoes.


  11. McVee; "poor people don't create jobs"

    Sure they do. They create govenment jobs. Police, welfare workers, etc. etc.

  12. Tam, he really nailed the "I know you are but what am I" defense. You should bow to his superior intellect!

  13. I love how “liberals” are all about “equal rights” every goddam day of the year except April 15th.

    I swear, I could fill my "Currently Favorite Quote" feature entirely from this blog.

  14. Brad K.: I learned in grade school. You only hear the word "share" when someone wants what someone else has.

    "Share" doesn't sound as rude as "Gimme!"

    Similarly, when someone says: "be reasonable", they usually mean "use my judgment -- not your own, even though doing so benefits me to your detriment".


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