Monday, September 06, 2010

Have I mentioned... much I love the freedom that modern computer tools have given to amateur filmmakers?

Witness the genesis of the rocket jump:

I laughed 'til it hurt. :)

(Props to Linoge.)


  1. And yet, all I can come up with is "When did he reload?"

  2. Every gamer knows that rocket launchers are semi-auto... Been that way since Vietnam 2.1a when the M14 was nerfed during the "Linebacker" balance patch.

  3. From what to shoot your neighbor's dog with, to this. Whoa. The internet can be a scary place.

  4. i hope someone with deep pockets gives that kid a job...check out some of his other videos....

  5. Pretty funny. I'll stick with hand grenades or fire-and-maneuver.

  6. "From what to shoot your neighbor's dog with, to this."

    Sorry, couldn't hear you; the din of dog-killing gunfire drowned you right out.


  7. You know you can buy those at gun shows in Texas now. At least that's what I've heard...

  8. You should check out the rest of that guy's videos - the flower-power one is kind of wierd, but the auto-target clip is simply awesome.

    That, or I played too many FPS games as a kid...

  9. Yes the tools for computer anything are now awesome. Chroma key anything, post production stuff is really professional grade. It still takes time however to do it right.

  10. I posted some of their other stuff a while back. You check them out. The Kid is a genius. You should see the one where all the weapons are made out of cardboard...but they all fire like the real thing.

  11. Kid may be a genius, but he let three of his friends get pwnt while he dithered around back at spawn. At least he got rid of the camper.

  12. Greatness. Watch all his vids. He even has fun with the relatively low-tech art of light painting.

  13. Anyone notice the blooper?

    As he swings the tube around the wall, you can see out the back end. Not even a fake rocket inside.

  14. Hat tip to Linoge, link back to ME!

    Life is good ;)

  15. "Hat tip to Linoge, link back to ME!"
    Now look at Linoge.
    Now Robb.
    Now back to Linoge.
    Now back to me.
    This is what your post would look like, if it were me.
    But sadly, it is not me.
    Look, I'm on a horse"

  16. Looks like someone has been playing with Adobe After Effects! Why should I study this stuff in college when kids are cranking out stuff like this already?

  17. Cowboy-- if you could ever touch that stuff, you've got a place for your abilities in the market. That guy's seriously gifted, and is going places.


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