Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Misery loves company, they say...

...so let me share this particular earworm with you:

The most annoying thing about this particular tune is that, to the best of my knowledge, I only heard it once in the wild. It was probably another ten years before I used teh intarw3bz and the search words "church", "logic", "sin", and "love" to track down the song that had been intermittently stuck in my head for nearly a decade.

(You young kids may not realize this, but before Al Gore and Bill Gates invented Google, the only way to find out the name of some song you heard on the radio or the artist who recorded it was to go sing it for a record store clerk. For those of us who can't carry a tune in a bucket and are terrified at the thought of singing in public, a lot of songs were forever unknown.)

(A record store is kind of like iTunes.com, but in a building, and instead of the "Genius" feature, you had Jack Black and Todd Louiso.)


  1. Well, you can burn it out with some Tom's Diner.


  2. Well..as an earworm it's not exactly "It's a Small World"

  3. Wow! I'd completely forgotten that song! That got plenty of air play around here.

    And now, I'll completely forget it again.

  4. You had no alternative stations in the 90's? This got plenty of play in OH.

    I remember clearly the summer of '95 when the local 'rock and roll' format station ceased to play Aerosmith and other hard rock bands. It was the last to do so. I still think of it as the summer when metal died.

    Fortunately, like Baldr rising from Ragnarök hard rock and metal have returned.

  5. Not the worst I've ever heard. That would probably be Your Love by the Outfield.

  6. Tam

    Did you ever look up Aimee Allen?

    She is local to Indy.




  7. Mac,

    "You had no alternative stations in the 90's?"

    I'm sure Atlanta did, but I usually had a cassette or CD player in the '90s, so I didn't listen to them much. ;)

  8. This is the antidote for any nostalgia I might feel for the 80's. I have to remind my self that 95% of the entertainment that came out of that decade was utter crap – same as every decade since.

  9. It holds a certain horrible fascination for me due to the almost complete lack of sense made by the chorus.

    I mean, the words are in English, sure, but they don't parse at all.

  10. Serendipity! I only heard it once too, late at night in the middle of the desert on some college radio station out of San Bernardino. I've been googling "aquamarine" for years.

    I love this blog!

  11. Heh. Record stores. We didn't have any of those out here when I was growing up. If you wanted to find out who sang that song on the radio, you pretty much had to either wait for the DJ to actually tell you during one of the upcoming, repeat plays...or you asked me, 'cause I was a walking encyclopedia of 90s alternative.

    ("was" because I've forgotten most of whatever it is that I bothered learning when I was a teenager. Makes sense, really, that the newer, more-useful information would shove out the older, trifling crap as I grew up.)

  12. It's the final countdown...

    (heh. Now just *try* to get the synthesizer out of your head! HAH!)

    ((please don't hunt me down and kill me. I blame Unix-Jedi...))

  13. Never heard of 'em....

    ....I spent the first half of the 90's in Germany, Federal Republic of .... and the last half working construction (where the soundtrack was either classic rock or sportstalk...) in the midwest ... not a lot of "alternative" in either place.

  14. Sigh.

    I do hope I'm not going to turn into one of those old people that tells the same five stories over and over and over and over again, but the signs are sure pointing that way, no? ;)

  15. Isn't it said that there are only five (or some other small number) dramatic plots, and that everything else is just detail?

  16. Picking on this song is like teasing that awkward kid in class ('cuz you really have a secret crush on them!)

    I said it once and I'll say it again: Thank you for posting this video last December!

    Tam, regarding your concern over this "early-onset redundancy dementia"' this is nothing to lose sleep over. One time there was a blogger who posted about this song I had only heard partially once. I was so thankful for them posting about that particular earworm...

  17. (A record store is kind of like iTunes.com, but in a building, and instead of the "Genius" feature, you had Jack Black and Todd Louiso.)

    And the iTunes Genius feature doesn't scoff at you and comment on your horrible taste in music.

  18. Many moons ago I had an earworm of a mere eight notes.

    I didn't know the name of the artist (or group), the name of the song, any of the words, or when it was released.

    Even a Jack Black would have been hard pressed to help me out (were he so inclined).

    It was indeed the local AC station that finally announced the group one day which allowed me to track down the tune.

    (Dreams by the Cranberries for the curious)


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