Thursday, September 23, 2010

You've probably seen it already...

But this is too beautiful to not link it here:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Working Stiffed
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


  1. LMAO! Tam, thanks for the link. I hope that the Daily Show can keep up their sense of irony and humor, I'm sure that it'll improve their ratings if they do. I feel sorry for the union guy who knew he was about to get his ass handed to him, but at least he still had the courage to face the music. Although he tried to put the best face he could on the union's hypocrisy, at least he didn't try to lie about an ugly truth.

  2. sorry, watched it. Did not get it.

  3. Anonymous: The Union complains that companies like Wal-Mart hire people for near minimum wage, no benefits, and cuts their hours as they see fit. The Union further states that unless said workers unionize, they will continue to be taken advantage of, because Wal-Mart is greedy.

    The union then pickets Wal-Mart, using workers being paid minimum wage, no benefits, and having hours cut as the union sees fit, thus completing the hypocrisy circle.

  4. "That's the one where I nail you."

    That was... beautiful. :)

  5. OMG, that was hilarious. The look on the union guy's face was priceless.

    Irony anyone?

  6. Anyone want to bet that "Anonymous" at 12:29 PM is a union member?

  7. Or perhaps Anonymous at 12:29 is Markadelphia coming over from Kevin Baker's "Smallest Minority?"


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