Monday, October 04, 2010

All tyranny is local...

Roberta X offers her commentary on the tickets in our upcoming elections.

Incumbents delenda est.


  1. As I said over at Roberta's, I'm writing Tam in for Sheriff! ;)

  2. But local tyranny is fresh tyranny.

    Or is that just eggs?

    Both stink in time; eggs take longer.

  3. Tam is too fair-minded to be Sherriff of anything. Lots of other, better jobs she's suited for.

  4. I think she'd make a better bailiff than sheriff. Or maybe truant officer.

    /would pay money to see that in action

  5. Incumbentis delenda est.

    I think that's how the Latin would go... it's been years since I dealt with a third declention noun. I hope I hit the right ablative note!

    Ulises from CA

  6. "/would pay money to see that in action"

    Me, too.

  7. Nah, Sheriff's too small a job. Go for the State Attorney General, then you can arrest some of local "Boss Hogs", and set up the Bar-B-Que Grill on the steps of the State House. "Sooie, sooie, here little Piggie, here little Pig, come to Tam!"

  8. 'ats what I'm talking about!

  9. Tam fer Govner!!!
    She could have her own private range. And have someone else pick up the brass. Wait, that might be on my nickel.
    Naw, maybe not.


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