Friday, October 29, 2010

Dog bites man.

Apparently, Ozzy Osbourne's DNA suggests that he has an h. sap. neanderthalensis in the woodpile.

This is my shocked face.


  1. I thought we all did?

    Some more than others. As an amusing geneticist of my acquaintance once pithly remarked, sardonically gazing over some particulary unimpressive members ofthe human genome.

    "It is clear we are all descended from apes. It is also obvious it may not be the SAME apes."

  2. That does explain a few things...

  3. I love the reason he gave for actually submitting his DNA.

    "Given the swimming pools of booze I've guzzled over the years—not to mention all of the cocaine, morphine, sleeping pills, cough syrup, LSD, Rohypnol... there's really no plausible medical reason why I should still be alive," he wrote.

    "Maybe my DNA could say why."

  4. What's surprising is that his DNA apparently demonstrates that he's from this planet.

  5. I'm sure the Neanderthals will get over it. It happens in the best of families.


  6. Breeding is so simple even a cave man could do it.

  7. Being a "Birmie", I thought he'd have a bit of Shire-Hobbit!

    Ulises from CA

  8. Hosh bluhb flob erngh hwuzza nan d'tolish?

  9. I suspect everyone with Northern European ancestry has some Neanderthal genes.

    They ain't here anymore, and judging from humanity's past procedures re strangers, the ones that weren't killed and eaten were raped and enslaved.


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