Monday, October 25, 2010

For those who haven't seen it...

Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

David Zucker flies an Airplane! into Barbara Boxer.

Incumbents delenda est.

(H/T to Sebastian.)


  1. Bwahahaha!!! Eeeeeeevil, and I like it :)

  2. It's a shame that some of those actors will never be able to "Work So Hard" in Liberal Hollywood again. "Pull Juan Williams out from under the bus, we need the space! Yes, Mr. Spielberg! That's Academy Award Winning Director Spielberg to you! I've Worked So Hard..."

  3. Now that's funny! I had heard this on the radio, but that is the first time I have seen the video.

    Wow, Ed Ames (the Indian Chief), haven't seen him since "Daniel Boone" was on the TV.

  4. Great send-up!
    I hope we do get someone else in office: she's been a drag in this state since she was first hatched from the dragon's clutch.

    Ulises from CA

  5. Priceless! Opie Cunningham's brother playing the Waxman character was a spefcial treat. Thank you ever so much for a good laugh today.

  6. That is just awesome! I'm going to have to post this.

  7. That was wonderful, Tam!

    Or should I say "Blogger Tam"? Or maybe "Ms. K". I'm so confused...



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