Monday, October 18, 2010

Four Seasons?

So, apparently between "Summer" and "Winter" here in Hoosierland comes "Late Summer", as well as "Early Autumn", "Indian Summer", "The Weatherman Lied", "Autumn", "Indian Summer II", "I Have No Clue What it's Doing Now", and "Late Autumn".

As best I can tell, this place has twelve or maybe fourteen seasons.


  1. In Maine we have Early Fall, Indian Summer, Lat Fall, WINTER, January Thaw, More Winter, Mud Season, Spring, and then 3 glorious weeks of Summer!

  2. We have the usual four in Kentucky... Ice, Flood, Hell, and Fall.

  3. Heck, when I was in first grade we even had "Winter Missed Its Cue, Bounding On Stage And Shouting Its Line Two Scenes Too Soon, Resulting In Autumn Standing Around Looking Embarrassed And Not Wanting To Make A Fuss, But Still Peeved Its Monologue Got Trodden On".

    (a.k.a. a giant snowstorm in October)

  4. 100 east of you in Ohio we usually have "Almost Winter", "Winter", "Still Winter", and "Orange Barrels"

    This year it has been Winer, Cold & Rainy, Hot, Hot & Dry

  5. Trade you. Here in Florida we have "Surprise, It's Freezing!" followed by "Three Days of Spring," then six months of "Hell Hinge-Melting," gradually fading into "Eh."

  6. In Montana they say there are two seasons: "Holy Crap it's COLD!" and "Under Construction? We'll never get there on time!"

  7. In Utah there are only four seasons; early winter, winter, late winter, and summer roadwork.

  8. Wait until you hit "Indian Summer III: This Time, It's The Reckoning of Revenge."

  9. I think the weather is messing with me: Either it'll stay warm way late in the year because the winter is going to more or less fizzle, or it'll stay warm way late in the year because its saving up for something.

    That said if the weather we get is the result of global warming, you'll pardon I while I go start the car.


  10. I'd say something about Climate Change, but I don't want the TreeHuggers to explode my head.

  11. We've only 4 seasons in NH:

    Mud, bugs, hot, & wintah.

  12. I don't mind, we had a miserably hot humid endless summer that would not ever give us a break.

    A nice long fall almost makes up for summer from hell.

  13. In South Florida (and my apologies for contradicting Liberty Girl) we have: 48 hours of Spring, Summer, Turkish Bath Season, Runaway Turkish Bath Season, "I am Not Going Outside!" Season, Canadian Tourist Season (Hunting forbidden), Hurricane Season and the above mentioned "Surprise! It is Freezing!"
    PS: The trees change color and leaves Spring!

  14. We only have two seasons in Phoenix. Broil and Bake.

  15. John Peddie (Toronto)2:58 PM, October 18, 2010

    Canada also has only two: "Hockey" and "Patio" (aka "Beer" if under age 30).

  16. New Mexico has the standard four seasons so long as you do not expect them to be discrete and consecutive.

  17. The South has turned you soft, lady. :)

    You should rejoice, actually, because if what I saw on the idjit box is correct, your friend Marko is burning the stove already and shoveling snow.

  18. "The South has turned you soft, lady."

    She is a delicate Southern hothouse flower, I say, I say, I dooooo declare.

    Shootin' Buddy

  19. With apologies to Eseell, we have all four seasons here in the Sonoran Desert: Autumn, Partly-cloudy, Spring, and "Oh, God, make it STOP!"

  20. I know your're expecting me to comment on weather in Western Washington, but...

    I went fishing over Memorial Day weekend in Michigan, and got snowed out.

    Or in. Whatever.

  21. When I lived in South Bend, we had "Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Mosquito Season."
    Here in Hawaii we have, "Tropical Summer" and "What do you mean it's Winter? How can you tell?"

  22. Sounds about right.
    You got a problem with it?

    I'd take more of the "holy shit, it's fracking COLD" if I had my choice each winter.
    Winter takes too long to get wound up, then cycles to thawing too quickly and too often. The freeze-thaw cycle is what jacks the roads.

    Spring could be much shorter, in my opinion. I'm not a fan of the rain, rain, rain, unless accompanied by light shows. With proper winter snowfall, the water tables get their fill from the spring melt.

    Summer? I don't know how or why we manage to get the ungodly hot crap around here, but I'd certainly trade late July and early August for January and February ANY TIME!

  23. I remember a January 1 at 74 degrees.

    Followed by a Jan 12 at 18 degrees.

    Mild, predictable weather is for the weak.

  24. only 2 seasons here:
    road construction & tax!!

    I kid ...there's also "Gawd will those election ads ever stop!!!" season

  25. When I lived in Guam there were two seasons...rainny and dry. The difference was in the dry season it only rained ONCE a day.


  26. Here on the central coast of Calif we have three seasons: rainy (though not very), dry and then fire.

    Temperatures have no relationship to the "season" as we can have a week of mid-60s in August and 90s in January.

  27. Texas has four seasons:
    1) Almost Summer,
    2) Summer,
    3) Still Summer, and
    4) Deer season


  28. It rained just a little sprinkle and my dining-room ceiling leaked. The summer heat cracks the roofing asphalt, although we didn't have a summer this year.


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