Thursday, October 07, 2010

Get a room, please.

When I moved to Indiana, one of the first things I noticed was that the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles was surprisingly efficient, well laid-out, clean, and ...very tastefully decorated.

Now, you can be as queer as a purse full of kittens, and that's cool with me; it's a free country. However, if you're taking the taxpayer paycheck, then you've got to be, like Caesar's wife, above reproach. I don't think you should get much in the way of passes on breaking the law when your paycheck comes from the folks who make it.


  1. The C misdemeanor, not the A?

    So, we were still in the negotiation phase? At least it wasn't a park.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Should have called Barney Frank. Heard his old "Roomie" was making some nice change a few years ago at the "Barney's Bordello".

  3. The public crapper sex thing is the ultimate demonstration of the difference in hardwiring between men and women. You'd think that gays would be LESS likely to want to hook up there, but it's almost a prerequisite.

    WV: Dewetira. Make sure your pants are pulled up so your cuffs don't dewetira on the floor.

  4. I really don`t care who you do. But get a room!

  5. Two other VIPs arrested at that same place?

    Slow learners.

  6. "Two other VIPs arrested at that same place?"

    Maybe it's the same thing that makes people go BASE jumping or ride motorcycles through Moscow traffic like a crazy person, I don't know.

  7. Doesn't this guy realize that there is a time and a place for everything and the time and place for asking people that you don't really know to 'touch it' is obviously college....


  8. "His arrest is the latest in a series of high profile suspects arrrested on similar charges in that same restroom. They've included a school principal and a Vanderberg County official."

    That restroom is like a bug zapper for closeted politicians. If I were in oppo, I would just park outside with a deck of most wanted incumbent playing cards.

  9. You'd think that gays would be LESS likely to want to hook up there, but it's almost a prerequisite.

    Personally, the idea grosses me out - public bathrooms are generally disgusting - but I can see how it got started. It's anonymous, neutral, free, and gives at least the illusion of privacy while being public enough to ease worries about violence (a big concern even as little as 10 years ago).

  10. 1). You're in rare form today, and I thank you for that.

    2). There's a notorious restroom at McCain Mall in North Little Rock that had its share of peeper observation posts and scored a lot of local VIPs back in the day. It became such common knowledge that there were cops in the air vent it became a local joke, but they still caught folks.

  11. Jake makes a good point.

    For what it's worth, my "Ick! factor would go as high, if these were heteros.

    But aside from the differently-gendered restrooms, it wouldn't be. There is still a stigma against being gay, that will make repressed people do crazy things. In this case, he was married and gay, which means that he had lies to tell.

    What a shame it is, when our furious genitals drive us to do things not in our best interests.

  12. Matt,

    "For what it's worth, my "Ick! factor would go as high, if these were heteros."

    Yeah, the "Ick" was from the How and Where, not the Who.

  13. Incidentally, Bobbi pointed out that the job itself appears to be jinxed, because practically everybody who's filled it has, if you'll pardon the expression, gone down in flames in one way or another...

  14. *IMPD Sgt. Paul Thompson said that when IMPD does receive this type of complaint, they issue plain clothes officers to the specific areas.*

    Issue? ISSUE? Officers are issued these days? When did the po po stop dispatching, or assigning, or tasking, or sending officers to their specific areas.

    In the New Normal officers are just another consumable, or item of gear, to be retrieved from the logistics warehouse?

  15. IMPD Lt. Jeff Duhamel is a great spokesman for the dept.

    As best I can tell, they don't have anybody else they can trust within 20 feet of an open microphone.

  16. IMPD Lt. Jeff Duhamel is a great spokesman for the dept.

    I also loved him in "Las Vegas."

  17. Now, you can be as queer as a purse full of kittens,

    A few years back I was searching for a completely meaningless descriptor of "gayness." One that only sounded gay without actually describing anything. I came up with:

    "Gayer than Oscar Wilde's Christmas goose."

    Which, though I say it who shouldn't, makes me smile every time I use it. Because it sure sounds gay.


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