Saturday, October 30, 2010


Gunsmith Bob refers to anything north of the Potomac as "Far-Off Frozen Cold North Yankee Land".

I guess the snowflakes drifting past the window as I type this could be entered into evidence as "Exhibit A".


  1. Funny that ...
    I look at the TN state line the same way.


  2. It's not really cold till you get dachsickles on the end of the leash when you walk the dogs.

  3. You better get South before they close the roads.

  4. I generally refer to all lands north of Florida as
    The Frigid Frozen Wastelands of the North.

  5. ...and FLA itself as The Sweltering Senior Cesspool of the (former) South.

    Had a cold front here this week; plunged from 90 on Wed. down to the mid-frickin' 80's today...


  6. Snow and ice is simply Nature's bleach. It scrubs away disease, filth and sloth.

    Embrace the purification.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. The Potomac is God's line between Damnyankees and His Chosen People.

  8. As a Canadian I refer to miinestona and Yankeeland as "the enervated tropics where the filthy rebels live"

    To each their own.

  9. SB,

    "Snow and ice is simply Nature's bleach. It scrubs away disease, filth and sloth."

    Sloth? It snows a lot in Detroit, and yet the UAW still exists. ;)

  10. Actually, I think you headed up North a couple of months early. If you arrived in January or February, you could have added a new Firearms Skill set, that of the Soviet Woman Sniper. Or course, you'd need a Winter Camo Snow suit, a Moisen-Nagant rifle, perhaps some cross country skis.. .but then you could also re-create the Battle of the Ice Planet Hoth at the same time. And since it looks like this Election Cycle may have us going from the Soap Box to the Ballot Box to the Jury Box to the Cartridge Box as Newbius postulates, having a Winter Wookie Suit might not be a bad idea.

  11. Right Tam, but they have the other six deadly sins to keep themselves going.

  12. Les, I think the term you're searching for is "Albino Wookie Suit."

  13. Les,

    "you'd need ... a Moisen-Nagant rifle..."

    I've got five Mosins. Three of 'em are even Finnish. ;)

  14. "It snows a lot in Detroit, and yet the UAW still exists. ;)"

    And quite a bit in D.C.; I think we can safely say that hopeful little theory is (another) dud.


    wv: peemints...yuck; market fail.

  15. Snow alone doesn't have much cleaning ability. It needs to be kept at subzero temps for at least a couple of weeks to become really effective. Even here in Minnesota it is unusual to have much more than a week straight without the temp popping up above zero sometime during daylight hours.

  16. "It snows a lot in Detroit..."

    "And quite a bit in D.C.;"

    Then there's Chi-town,

    and En Wy See.

    Nature's Bleach; temporarily covers up smells, and gets out bloodstains, too.


  17. The Yankees begin at I-10.

  18. I live in Australia. No snow. Little rain and even the "conservative" party calls themselves Liberals. Help.

  19. AT,

    I had thought that your generation prided itself on its tact.

    Was I mistaken?

  20. I don't know, Tam. Notwithstanding that labels are inherently flawed and overbroad, I think it comes down - again - to subjective definition.

    Just tit for tat as to the bleach thing, I thought, and an irresistible temptation. And that dream sequence? The idea of the poster boy for the blue-suit wing of the 'Pub party expounding on how history will save us while its erstwhile constituency is being raped and debrained in the present was, while scary, just too funny.

    But if that is felt by you as tactless or hurtful, I apologize.

    I thought that earlier comment just disappeared but now I gather it *got* disappeared, and of course you may take my others down as well if you please.


  21. I'm with SB. Detroit et al are clear cases of insect colony behavior- like fire ant balls huddled together, killing some, so that the colony of evil bastards can live on. Outside those enclaves of mutually assured nastiness, snow is like bleach, weeding out the weak.

    WV: Disangl. From disangl, it looks like a mound of instant coffee.

  22. Another notable thing 'bout the Potomac ... You can drive on US 1 (Fed Highway for you Floridians) from Key West to the Potomac wearing your sidearm. After that ... well.

    That's over 1200 miles of freedom before driving into either D.C. or Maryland. And beyond them lies the darkness of New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts.

  23. AT,

    "I thought that earlier comment just disappeared but now I gather it *got* disappeared, and of course you may take my others down as well if you please."

    I have not deleted a single comment of yours from this weblog, ever, to the best of my knowledge.

    I have never deleted a single comment for content, except for that one tinfoil-yarmulke-wearing weirdo who was link-spamming that one post this past April.

    The only comments I delete as a matter of course are jackholes doing commercial spamming.

    The only person I have ever asked to stop commenting was that irritating Nazi dude back in '06.

    All I'm asking for from you is tact. Remember that this internet is full of real people. Both myself and Shootin' Buddy have a life outside of these blog posts. Thank you.

  24. :O)...I must have forgot to click "publish". Glad there was no censoring; that had me feeling disappointed and sad, because as you say we all are real and we all feel.

    That line between stimulating and sometimes discordant discussion in semi-commercial fora and what is interpersonal and verboten can be hazy - but for my part I will do my best to resist being Buddy-baited in the future.

    Much of it does seem intended to trigger a gag-reflex and elicit response, and it will be less fun... but for you I'll put a sock in it as to SB.


  25. Two Russians and Three Finns, excellent! Currently w/o a Moisen-Nagant, since my Father took mine with him down to the Farm. Course, since he had to train on it back in Hungary while living under the Commies, and he liked its effect during the Revolution of '56, and it fit him like a glove, well, how could I say no? Guess I'll just have to make do with my 8mm Mauser for the long range work while the Wife uses the 6.5 Swede.

    Steve S: White, Albino,Woodland, ACU, Rare Dark Earth one needs to wear the appropriate Camo Wookie Suit to one's Environment, eh? After all, if it gets to the Cartridge Box Stage, color will not be the issue, just Politics. Of course, if the Commies want to wear Redcoats like the Brits did back in 1776.....

  26. Well, I live on the northernmost frontier of Kentucky...and having grown up in Tennessee this is about my limit, save the occasional brief excursion across the DMZ (Ohio River).

  27. There is a big difference between real Yankees and the liberal scum who inhabit most of the Northeast. Maggie’s Farm has explained the differences several times.

    You may meet some real Yankees in NH. Due to proximity, these stern, reticent and reclusive types despise Boston liberals and Vermont hippies more than any Southerner ever will.

  28. Bram,

    I've noticed that hill-folk are hill-folk. They talk funny up here, but the biggest difference between somebody in the back hollers of East Tennessee and rural New Hampshire that I can see is that the latter tend to own more snow shovels.

  29. So is you thinking about relocating to the Great White North? Given your Nordic/Scandinavian linage? :D


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