Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Kind of like the first flower of spring... my first good chill of autumn. You know, the one where it's cool enough at night that you've broken out the quilts already, but you really haven't got around to turning the heat on in the house yet, and you venture into the attic or basement and find yourself needing a cup of coffee in the middle of the afternoon to warm up?


  1. I don't know about you, but I've had to have the electric blanket, two extra afghans AND the furnace just to get to sleep for better part of the past week. For some reason I don't sleep well if my arms are cold.

  2. Ummm, isn't it going to be 80 and sunny over the weekend?

    (All the better to see Rand Paul signs).

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Yep, there's a hint of Deer Season in the air!

  4. New sweatshirt and Jonathon apple weather.

  5. Sorry, I live on the Texas coast. The AC is still on just to keep the humidity down. What is this "Chill" you speak of and is it useful? And for that matter, what is this "Autumn?"

  6. I was wondering about this strange "Autumn" and "chill" thing myself. Here, in the Southern hemisphere just south of the equator, we get two seasons: hot and humid.

    Of course, to be honest, sometimes the temp gets all the way down to a nice, cool 85...

    WV: losing- the result of habitually voting for the canidates with (D) after their names.

  7. come back to Alt. Tam it was 46 this am when i went to work.

  8. Women approaching my age all seem to be having hot flashes and sweats all the time... meanwhile, I'm freezing my porcine ass off! Effin'g elementary teacher told me fat was good insulation. Tha bitch lied!

  9. "come back to Alt. Tam it was 46 this am when i went to work."

    It will be 50 in the morning in Indianapolis.

    I think the Banjos think it shows after July 4th north of the Ohio. In fact based on what I heard in Knoxville, I know some of them do.

    Shootin' Buddy

  10. We had a record low Monday morning in Oklahoma City: 37 freaking degrees. I do not connect this event with the 48-hour virus that attacked me Sunday night, but the synchronicity is a bit unnerving.

  11. I'm with CG, we had the same thing in Tulsa (though fortunately we didn't sneak below 40).

    Now that the frikkin' over 100 degrees. Every. Single. Day. July and August have passed, my tomatoes, bell peppers and onions are finally starting to come back to life and put on a bunch of veggies. The okra however has slowed down from the 4-inch overnight seed pod growth it had during the heat wave. Now I'm afraid we'll have an overnight freeze that'll kill all the good stuff that has finally started growing. An old friend stopped by this summer and said that okra did so well in the heat because it was the vegetable from hell (obviously not an okra connoissuer like me).

    Hell, with nights in the 40's and days in the 80's, I don't know whether to run the heat or the A/C. I've tried just leaving some windows open, but it's too cold in the morning and too hot by evening.

  12. Hate this time of year. Went from near triple digits to 60 in a couple days. And then this stuff fell out of the sky and rearranged the nice patina of dust on my car. Dang it! Took me a long time to get that looking just right, and now look at it! Ruined!

  13. It did snow 3" on top of Mt Leconte on the TN / NC border last weekend. And it got down into the 30's in the Asheville area. A lot of people suddenly wondered where the @&*$ their coats were at.

  14. me thinks shooting buddy is a banjo!!

  15. I tend to think of winter as being the price I willingly pay for weather like this.

    (Summer is the price I pay, far less willingly, for not dying of starvation.)

  16. Fall is the time when a young man goes from concealing with a Hawaiian shirt to concealing with a sweater.

    I love fall.


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