Monday, October 25, 2010

Meanwhile, at the other blog...

...there's a new Sunday Smith up.

Check it out. :)


  1. Seems poetic that SundaySmif #49 and the Model 49 share such direct lineage and purpose...

    Reading your evocative history (as opposed to the factual but dry bluebook info that I relied on for so many years to buy and sell), makes me ashamed that so many of these old squeezers and their close cousins were relegated to the bottom of my bargain case with hardly a second look and with sub-C-note tags attached.


  2. After re-running through the arms room, I've noticed you've a proverbial "hard-on" for the .32. Any particular reason? Or is it more along the lines of "boy, that is nifty!"?

  3. You know, Tam, I have come to appreciate those little guns. We have a few in the family, that I always looked down upon. Until, I realized their compact ability to put a bacteria laden hole in some wrongdoer's pre-penicillin hide.

    A great-uncle actually persuaded two gentlemen of bad intent to go away and quit bothering him about money, by presenting a nickle-plated pair of them across his handlebars. Only took once, to get the point across.

    They are actually quite usable little poppers, allbeit a long way from our current 'stopper' guns.

  4. boris,

    "Or is it more along the lines of "boy, that is nifty!"?"

    Pretty much this right here. :)


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