Sunday, October 03, 2010

Meanwhile in Lafayette...

They always have the best headlines up there...

So this guy was out of prison for all of two weeks (having served less than half of an 18-year sentence for robbery and carjacking) before he's tearing down subdivision streets on a moped, firing shots at a jogger?

A moped? For real?

(Small scooters in Indiana usually indicate an HTV, or Habitual Traffic Violator, since anything under 50cc doesn't count as a motor vehicle. It is considered rude to say things like "Sorry about your license!" when passing one of these rolling roadblocks, especially since the operator apparently might be a trigger-happy convicted felon...)


  1. Look, just because Lafayette is so aware of its enviromental obligations that it commits crimes with a small a carbon footprint as possible is no reason to get all jealous of us like some sort of Broad Ripple hippie.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Well, I'm guessing he didn't have a drivers license, and you don't need one to ride a moped on the street, and he didn't want to get in trouble for not having a license during his drive by sho.... ahh... ride by shoot......

    Oh hell, never mind.

  3. On the other hand, if he had been the sort of mo-ped shooter who shoots mo-peds, he'd probably not gotten in trouble at all if he was harvesting them in season.

  4. Can you get mopeds in digital camo yet? And what kinds of tactical accessories are there for them?

  5. Pretty sorry jogger that can't outrun a moped...

    And why would you try to rob / ??-jack a jogger anyway? They don't carry anything as heavy as money with them.

  6. Residents of Napanee will recognize this sound:

    "Clopclopclopclopclop :BANG: clopclopclopclopclop"

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

  7. WTF? He's out on Bond? What's the Lafayette Po-Po trying to do, setting up a Fox Hunt so they can chase this guy down a few days from now and get some trigger time? Guess there must be a lack of cows for the SWAT team to practice on.

  8. No, he's not out on bond.

    Back in September he made bond, as is his right under the Indiana Constitution, until the Department of Correction filed the parole violation.

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. Yet his friends claim he was buying a house and a full time student? 3 weeks after getting out of prison? Possible. But what about the "bullet holes in his house and bricks through his windows"? Something in this story doesn't sound right.

  10. "After a brief negotiation, Lampitok was persuaded to leave the building."

    Come on out or we will gun you down like a heifer.


  11. As certain famous people say: Unpossible.

    He was a felon. Felons can't carry guns. Everyone knows that. They have the wrong guy.

  12. @Brian J, If he had been shooting mopeds, he'd have been a hero around here.

  13. I want to know where Mr Lampitok came up with the $10,000 to make bond..... must be nice to have rich friends.....

  14. Small sidetrack:

    Moped rider does not equal wussy, at least in certain parts of Europe. Does anyone remember Quadrophenia or am I dating myself?

    Btw, as a bona fide moped rider during my teens, I could certainly go faster than any jogger, though not their bullets ;-)


  15. While I never had the pleasure of serving in Germany in my 20 years of soldiering, those who did assured me that the motorcycle riders there are honest, hard-working, honest citizens, but that moped riders are notorious layabout lowlifes. Yobs, as the Brits would say.

  16. Ahem....
    Before too many comments are made about the moped...


    Chances of a one shot stop.....pretty fair.

  17. In these hard economic times, even the bad guys have to cut back.

  18. "Tearing" might be a bit of an exaggeration.

  19. Quadrophenia: scooters, not mopeds.



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