Tuesday, October 12, 2010

QotD: Economics Edition...

I found these here:
"Asking liberals where wages and prices come from is like asking six-year-olds where babies come from."
– Thomas Sowell

"The New Deal began, like the Salvation Army, by promising to save humanity. It ended, again like the Salvation Army, by running flop-houses and disturbing the peace."
– H. L. Mencken


  1. Oh, dude ... harsh.

    At least the Salvation Army has quality used furniture at low low prices.

  2. More up to date would be:
    "Asking liberals how to make a job is like asking six-year-olds how to make a baby."

    But, I fear the analogy breaks down because the modern six-year-olds know much more about their subject.

  3. You know, I've once rung a bell for the Salvation Army, but I ain't never pulled out a pistol and threatened to put people in a box in order to fill the bucket.

  4. Jenny,

    And Dzhugashvili started out in seminary. ;)

  5. As much as I respect Joanna, intoning Dr. Thomas Sowell with 'dude' is a bit much...

  6. I was referencing Mencken; I think he would have appreciated it.

    Sowell, I would be lucky to get past "It's an honor to meet you" without stammering. That man is so wicked scary smart it's beyond wicked scary.


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