Friday, November 05, 2010

Air Quality Alert: Heavy Smug.

Commenting on my comment on Barry's speech the other day, Charles Hill notes:
I suspect they’re required to keep John Kerry — who, by the way, served in Vietnam — at a safe distance from [Obama], lest there develop a singularity of self-absorption so powerful it might actually disrupt a taping of Oprah, half a continent away.
...which darn near made me spray Diet Coke out my nose.

Which isn't necessarily fair, because I'd say that probably fully nine in ten people who make politics a career do so because they are so self-absorbed that the rest of the world is merely a shiny surface to reflect their own light back on themselves. In their world, it really is All About Them. And, having a bit of a messiah complex to start with, nothing about a life with 'round-the-clock Secret Service protection is going to improve the condition...

It takes a special kind of hubris to wake up one morning and decide that what this world is lacking is your visionary leadership, and an even more perfectly-distilled narcissism to think that if millions of people don't like you, the problem is with all of them.


  1. Never mind the Men, consider the drama of Michele and Teresa on the same stage!
    Oh the humanity!

  2. John Peddie (Toronto)9:17 AM, November 05, 2010

    Well done.

    You have now explained why so many politicians come from the legal fraternity.

    Same personal "qualitites" required for both "professions".

    'Spose we could retro-engineer a cannibalism gene into the DNA?

    For the childrens' sakes.

  3. I believe it is a genetic defect based on the rare "My s*^t doesn't stink" chromosome.

  4. Nine or ten? Methinks you're being generous.

  5. Yep. Obomination gets bitch-slapped, and he doubles down. That's chutzpah!

  6. The mere fact that someone wants to hold that, or any other elected office, especially at the federal level, usually means that they are not someone I want in that job.

    Maybe we should have a draft for political offices. Or William F Buckley's first 535 names at random out of the phone book.

  7. We need some scale for measuring pompous self regard, and an upper maximum cutoff above which persons are prohibited from public office, the profession of law, teaching, or journalism.

    Well, maybe not. Such a development would inevitably create a new entitled class, the Arrogant Asshole-American community. Then we'd have outreach programs and quotas.

  8. I'm with randy,

    In an ideal world politicians who actually want to be politicians would never be elected in the first place.

    The corollary is that once in office, the desire to remain there is grounds for removal.

  9. On a side note, is there a law requiring any mention of John F'ing Kerry to be immediately followed by a mention of his "war record"? (Voted "present," as did AlGore.)

  10. Kerry: (Crouching near the edge of the Crack of Doom>)

    "Pleeeease! (hack) Not to drops my precious into the fiery crack Mr. Soetoros!"

  11. Most of them are unfamiliar with the phrase memento mori, unfortunately.

  12. I'm Clint Webb, and I approve this message.

    (Yes, I know you've probably seen it before, but it's topical and usually good for a laugh.)

  13. Not so fast, Steve.
    If they're not allowed in political office, we wouldn't have such "protected" classes.
    After all, the superiority and arrogance created the very idea that entire groups of people were too stupid or oppressed to get/keep a job or survive the bumps and bruises of daily life.

    I'm not fit for political office and couldn't be a lawyer. How do
    I know this? I know my shit stinks and I know that I AM an asshole. I'm the twit in the room that says what others are only thinking. I keep my job because my skills more than offset the feathers that get ruffled.

    Perhaps one day I'll find the mythical place where leaders don't surround themselves with sycophantic toadies. -I don't hold much hope, though. The old boy network in the business world is just a microcosm of the world at large and the vast majority of us are programmed, as social creatures, to play along.

  14. Ah, yes, Buzz. I mind the guy who used to do some IT stuff at a high level for a credit card company. He was fired for turning in honest expense reports and returning the unspent money. He made the good old boys look bad. He's also autistic, which didn't help.

  15. @Mattexian: The Vietnam reference is an artifact from Thurston Heinz III's Presidential campaign, during which he was anxious, desperate even, to establish some sort of defense cred.

  16. Buzz, I recently took a course from a retired Merchant Marine Captain who also had been a lawyer. As he described it, after graduating from the academy in 1960 and sailing for four or five years, he went to law school, passed the bar, and practiced in CA for 10 years (he said "worst decision I ever made").

    He said he was miserable, he went to sleep every night figuring out how to screw somebody, until he couldn't stand it and went back to sea. I never felt so sorry for a lawyer in my life, poor bastard. He just couldn't cauterize his basic human decency in order to be successful in law.

  17. Mattexian, the best example of the running gag in re: Thurston Heinz III comes from James Taranto's Best of the Web on WSJ Online. All during the 2004 campaign and afterwards he made a point of referring to him as "the haughty, French looking junior Senator from Massachusetts, who by the way served in Vietnam."

  18. Seared, I tell you - seared!


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