Tuesday, November 09, 2010

...and she already has more friends than William the Conqueror!

I'm not certain, but this strikes me as a sign that either Facebook or the English monarchy has jumped the shark.

Did Henry V take time out before Agincourt to update his status? Did Henry VII unfriend Richard III? No. They didn't have time for any of that "social networking" stuff, unless it was being done with a sword.


  1. We are amused at the very thought. As are all the other people in the room.

  2. Given some of the status updates, I'm pretty sure it's a hoax...

  3. The one at the link is a spoof.

  4. John Peddie (Toronto)7:20 AM, November 09, 2010

    HM language is further desecrated by the .org she has joined.

    "Unfriend" is a butchery of the English language, from the mindset who decided that "unhide" would be a good function in Excel, when any literate user would have expected merely to "display" a column.

  5. "Her Majesty will not be able to meet with you this afternoon Prime Minister. She has the entire day set aside for Farmville."

  6. The Queen is the same age as my mother. Both women know how to change a tire. One of them actually has. Interestingly, it's not my Mom.

  7. Pretty funny.

    Social networking does pretty well describes the careers of Henry Plantagenet and all the other Henry's. They just did it by commuting between castles and kingdoms on horseback.

  8. Did Henry V take time out before Agincourt to update his status?

    No, but Hamlet did.

  9. I don't often laugh out loud at things I find on the Internet, but this one...

    I'm so glad I don't drink coffee or hot tea at the keyboard. Thank you.

  10. Did Elizabeth I unfriend Mary, Queen of Scots?

  11. John Peddie (Toronto)10:31 AM, November 09, 2010

    Liz I unfriended Mary in the same sense that home defense shotguns are "tools for social work".

    More a TWERP than a mere unfriending, I'd say.

  12. When I first saw the post title, I thought it said, "...more friends that William the Coroner."


  13. "Did Elizabeth I unfriend Mary, Queen of Scots?"

    No, she just unheaded her.

  14. Richard III unfamilied the princes in the Tower.


  15. "U bandofbros ROCK!!!11!!w00t!!!"

    tw: harco. I guess Harfleur incorporated.

  16. Bobbi: And I'll bet your mother never drove an ambulance in an air raid, either.


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