Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting down to brass tacks...

A leftist scribbler from The Nation whines:
Anytime anyone says anything libertarian, spit on them. Libertarians are by definition enemies of the state:
Why, yes. Yes, I am.
they are against promoting American citizens’ general welfare and against policies that create a perfect union.
You know, for the last hundred years there has been entirely too much Promoting of the General Welfare and Creating a More Perfect Union and way too damned little Securing of the Blessings of Liberty.

Go piss on an electric fence, hippie.

(H/T to Rhymes With Cars & Girls.)


  1. Bravo; very well said.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The libertarian response to being spit upon would be a punch in the face. The statist response would be be to summon the police and have him arrested for "assault with a deadly weapon".

    I wonder which the original spitter would choose?


  4. Me too! Me too!! I wanna be known as an enemy of the state!

  5. Those freakin' libertarians, living and letting live. What a bunch of jerks. I'd spit on 'em as suggested, but I'm too busy trying to get the almighty government involved in other peoples' private affairs to do so.

  6. I especially like this line: Like Communists before them, they are actively subverting the Constitution and the American Dream, and replacing it with a Kleptocratic Nightmare.
    Isn't it nice to have leftists admitting what the commies were/are all about?

  7. It seems to me that a perfect Union should do a better job of leaving its citizens alone!

  8. Spitting on armed, self sufficient citizens has never been a good idea. Ask King George and his army how that worked out for them.

  9. It sure didn't work well for Pvt. Matthew Kilroy...

  10. I've always thought that the Leftists were Anti-hippie 'cause the Hippie philosophy was "Do your own thing," and the current crop of Leftists (actually Progressives) don't want anyone to do their 'own' thing but to do the 'Government' thing.

  11. Shermlock,

    As Shootin' Buddy always tells me, The Man of The Left cares not what you do, so long as it's compulsory.

  12. Telling them to go piss on the Parmak is irrelevant - they just won't get it. There is no effect, as it were.

    Not having reference, they will advocate you to do so. For the common good, of course?

  13. I think Mark Ames is at war with his own neuroses.

  14. Wow.. I mean the article, enh. You expect stuff like that online. But the comment stream...

    Is that really what the 20-something left is like these days? 'Cause I don't remember anywhere near that level of just callous nihilstic self-loathing. Maybe it's the rose coloured glasses, but yikes...

  15. If supporting the individual rights of Americans - given unto them by their Creator and partially codified in the constitutions of the United States and its several member states - makes me an enemy of the state, then I happily embrace the term, knowing that I am in good company.

  16. Holy FSM Tam - You waded through all that crap? Just to report back to us? That's terrible! Or wonderful, I'm not sure which. I couldn't get through more than a few paragraphs without my eyes crossing from the mind numbing goofiness of it all, the adolescent whinging, the arrogant snottiness. bleah!
    I'm taking a shower and going to church.

  17. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)9:07 AM, November 28, 2010

    I too am trending toward "enemy of the state". That's because the state is positioning itself to be MY enemy.

  18. BTW, the Federalist #41 provides the antidote for the assertion that the Constitution provides the power to broadly provide for the "general welfare"

  19. Anytime I say anything libertarian, spit on me. I f**kin' dare ya.

    atlharp pretty much nailed it here.


  20. Geek-

    If only it worked. I have a friend (PhD candidate in political science, no less) who believes that the "Tenthers" have a radical interpretation of the Consitution. Confronted with Madison's words in support of the limited government view, she asserted that there were lots of different viewpoints present during the framing (neglecting to cite any of them) so therefore her assessment was correct.

    She is otherwise a rational, well-read person, which makes it all the more frustrating.

  21. He says "enemies of the state" as though that's a bad thing. Liberals, of course, are supporters of the State, which makes them enemies of the people. I know where I stand.

  22. Wow, that was a fascinating foray into narcicissm. It sounded to me like the author was exhorting Gen X to cast off its conformist was and become more like him. Ames, Prince of Irony.

  23. That was some trek thru dreck, Tam.

    Unbelievable, had i not gone and took the tour myself. Near-elderly Mid-western provincial naif that I am, it's clear to me that I have not kept up with the politico-cultural times.

    As in "These people are apparently well short of a full deck, but believe themselves to be cutting edge intellectuals?"

    My comment; "FLUSH. In fact, flush twice for that load."

    "synbuto" yeah, that's prolly what they be's snuffin' up, all right.

  24. Let them try to spit upon me.
    They wont do it again.
    The nation benefits thereby!

  25. I too, waded through most of that sludge in order to have a better understanding. What came to light from all that, is that there is much division among the left.

    This is a good thing, as a house divided cannot stand. It is one thing that all of their individual visions are flawed. It is to our benefit that their flawed visions are in conflict.

    What struck me as amazingly flawed was Ames' idea of what "union" means, and his collectivist "Borg" idea that is so far from the founding fathers.

    Every chance we get, we should be engaging people to challenge the leftist ideas that they have adopted. I will try to educate and convert as many as possible before words fail to work any more.

  26. Yes keep in mind that "in order to form a more perfect union" was a phrase used by a bunch of angry armed people working to break away from a King who engaged in redistribution. bk425

  27. So, spitting on me is OK by this douche's standards.

    I wonder what he/she/it thinks about me shooting him/her/it, right back, between the eyes?

  28. mariner: (Useful to the Progressives, that is. To the rest of us, not so much.)

    I can make 80 gallons of soylent diesel out of each metric ton of dead hippie.

  29. Oddly, Kristopher, I can only make carnival mirrors and empty boxes from the cremains of young "progressives."

  30. My favorite bit of dumbass
    "All great political struggles and ideological advances, all great human rights achievements were won by clown-led crowds of people who don’t take themselves too seriously, duh!"

    Tell it to Madison, Adams, and washington. Ok, Ben Franklin was a bit of joker and ladie's man, but dead serious about the issues


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