Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Getting Spicoli out from behind the wheel...

Referring to the failed Proposition 19 in California, CNN noted:
Opponents also said that driving under the influence of marijuana would be a public threat.
Because, since it's against the law, nobody tokes and drives nowadays. In SoCal, they usually do a few lines of blow, instead.


  1. DOOOOOD!!

    wv: Pudgen. DOOOD!!

  2. I heard two pro-pot arguments against it: 1: Now that it's regulated, the quality's gonna go wayy down, y'know.
    and, more believable:
    2: If it's legal, our profits are gonna drop through the floor!

  3. That's the same logical argument against bar/restaurant carry. Laws that prevent people from carrying guns illegally into bars work perfectly....but if that law was lifted, suddenly the law that prevents people from getting shattered while packing will be 100% ignored because....well just because!

    Isn't it a fucking shame when even the damn dirty hippies just seem to mess stuff up, rather than at least legalizing gay marriage and pot while they shit on free speech, commerce, and gun rights....

  4. The people have California have spoken . . . until a federal judge overturns the vote.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Sorry, SB - the feds would have overturned this vote if it had gone the OTHER way. See Gonzales vs Raich, and Holder's recent statements, etc.

  6. Ian, snarktistic license is allowed on the Intertubes.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. The real reason y'all live in Indiana. That lifetime permit for Snark the state issues.

    In NJ, high-capacity snark is restricted, and I can only make one witty comment every 30 days. And if I blog in public, well, the penalty violates the 8th amendment!

    WV: reader. ISYN, that's what it says

  8. "Getting Spicoli out from behind the wheeel" ... and into the Governors Mansion.

  9. Dude, that was my skull!!!

  10. Boat Guy,

    In this case, Spicoli was apparently the pro-2A candidate...

  11. Duuudes! Everybody got fooled everywhere, including all the Counties around with county Measures set up to tax the hell out of it the moment it got legalized, and most of THOSE passed. There was a swarm about to descend on it.

  12. Yeah, cuz driving under the influence of alcohol is not. I swear, they get their panties twisted over the stupidist stuff. No offense to the fairer sex...which is not to say that women are somehow weaker than men... wait, that's not right either... Dangit, see what I'm reduced to now?


    There is an element of "Let my people go" at play for sure, but some of it is "Get my people off the couch for Chrissake."


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